Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Saturday July 27
Horse (Dam)
3g Fleetwood (Jennifer Juniper)
3g Onomatopoeia (Sparkling Sound)
5g Reign It In (Laurinel Princess)
4g Rhapsody Chic (Boho Chic)
3g Sacred Ted (Baysa)
4m Second To Nun (Tidy Prophet)
3g Victory Roll (Invisible Coin)
3g Piastri (Costa Viva)
7g Whozyadeeler (Anniversary Jewel)
4g Little Silver (Platinum Power)
3f La Belle Claire (Lady In Paris)
3c Invincible Shield (Pierro Moss)
2g Inazuma Boy (Don't Doubt Her)
4g Shigeru (Bound To Blush)
4g Ready To Thunder (African Rain)
4m Sentimental Belle (Sentimental Star)
3g Twain (Fleur De Lune)
3g Sterling Express (On Parole)
3g Finnhugh (Caesour's Deel)
5g Hamlet Von Snitzel (Shakespearean Lass)
5g Wolfburn (Alice's Smart)
5g Witness Attack (Fume Blanc)
4g Fiftysevenyears (Belle Chantecler)
5g Sachem (Flying Tessie)
6m One Aye (Flying First Class)
3f Herbert Park (Elite Elle)
3g One Above All (Friarandice)
3g Mafia (Hell Or Highwater)
3f Lingani (Betty Butterscotch)
4m Our Lady Brooke (Our Alchemist)
5g Yes Dream (Platinum Ruby)
2f I Am Velvet (Black Velveteen)
4g Jaffira (Tickle Me)
3g Invader Zim (Puppet Queen)
3f Eartha (Springtime Love)
6g Rogue Bear (Rancho Montoya)
6g Star Magnum (Titania Star)
4g Space Age (Dont Cry Daddy)
7g Make Time (Island Time)
4g Green Shadows (Notjustaprettyface)
2c Lavalier (Accessories)
4m Swindle (Code Black)
3f Real Rush (Hurried Choice)
5g Quid (Shilling)
4g Opawa Jack (Serve De Aunt)
3f Paragraph (Atmospherical)
5g Amelia's Belief (Dylicious Secret)