Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Thursday September 5
Horse (Dam)
5g Bo Bo Beware (Unforgivable)
8g Havieron (Dineeta)
4g Love Shuck (Oyster Bell)
4m Miss Mikki Isle (Just Divine)
3g Statuario (Miss Entice)
4g Subsix (Espresso Martini)
4g Razmas (Miss Razyana)
4g Ruada (Adawiyah)
4g Bringyaticket (First Class Ticket)
3g Greylist (Tartufo Bianco)
4m Xspiritous (Murials Spirit)