Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Sunday September 1
Horse (Dam)
3f Actuality (Nanyo Venus)
3c Deconstruction (Dee Nine Elle)
4g Redford (Dream Date)
4g Reigning King (Courgette)
7g So You Can (Grojsman)
5g Zain Prince (Princess Youmzain)
4m Te Pani (Did You Wink)
4g Persian Spirit (Salamati)
3g Lario (Lake Como)
7g Sacred Command (La Boheme)
4m Fiorente De Legend (Encosta De Legend)
5g Mister Tom (Fine Fettle)
5m Outishka (Vanishka)
5g Lancelotto (Back Story)
6g Pacific Sonic (Cloudcatcher)
4g July (De Starsandcircles)
4m Gerety (Magic Diamond)
4g Line Of Fire (Montrachet)
5m Mistnaces (Big Black Beauty)
6g Gin O'Clock (Katherine Lee)
4g October (Oh So Chilled)
4g Willmott (Koala Bear)
5g Captain Cam (Social Secret)
5g Compak (Magical Memories)
4m Happy Link (Nothin' On Me)
3f Useapin (Pinova)
3g Zoum Raider (Jolie Joy)
4g Big Union (Rule the River)