Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Saturday September 14
Horse (Dam)
7g Remorseless (Killcareless)
4g Tycoon Lad (Lazumba)
3c After Match (Breakfast In Bed)
8g All Time Legend (Snow Bell)
3c Growing Empire (Miles Of Krishan)
6g Nashira (Aunty Betty)
4m Gazza's Diamond (Laura Magne)
5m Ruby Sparkles (Family Freeze)
4g Encap (Enquare)
6g Private Banker (Air Apparent)
5m Lacemaker (Danish Lace)
5g Skyforger (Summer Song)
5g Toganmain (Demilune)
4g True Prophet (Truly Kissed)
4h Strike Gold (Navagio)
4g Absolve (Soft Kiss)
4g Windfall (Mongolian Beauty)
4g Moby Dick (Queen Of The Sea)
4m Stormsarrived (Stormsabrewing)
3g Fabulous Hoffa (Isn't She Fabulous)
5g Red Rebel (Red Fever)
7g Silent Don (Silent Surround)
4g Henry's Blade (Miss Scarlatti)
5g Warby (Speedboat)
5g Knightjar (Provocative)
6m Mahbaby (Royal Corinne)
3g Sabaj (Bouzy)
4m Retail Therapy (Here'shoping)
7g Wind Of Dubai (Wind Inher Sleeves)
7m My Oddette (Swan Lake)
6g Jin Sakamoto (Miss Avalon)
7g Without Shame (Withoutme)
4g Goin' Skitz (Charmor)
5g Snow Missile (Snow Way)
5g Pacific Warrior (Bonny O'reilly)
3c Traffic Warden (Efficiently)
4h Gold Prince (Saintly Therese)
5g Inala Aticus (Inala Star)
5g War Tactics (Sauv Blanc Babe)
4g Odinaka (Hottington)
4g Bali Belly (Dark And Stormy)
(2) Brutal
3f Harlem Queen (Harlem River)
5g Behind Player (Dutch Striker)
5m Rebel Love (Excess Love)
4m Swing City (Move To The Groove)
6g Manhood (My Miss Pedrille)
6g Auckland (Jayda Elizabeth)
7g Star Magnum (Titania Star)
4g Trio (Dane Smile)
6g Dreyfus (Top Dolly)
5g The Mariner (Sha Tin Sunday)
4g Ostraka (Madame Andree)
6m My Pins (Flying Therese)
6g Energy Baby (Miss Remington)
6g He's Gold (Rue De Marengo)
4g Rothgate (Concert Image)
4g Tropicana's Cube (Precious Pasquelle)
8g Warrah Flash (Rhiannon's Joy)
4g Bold Feeling (Swinging Feeling)
7g Overlord (Red Tracer)
5m Magical Slipper (Westend Magic)
5g Gulf Of Gabes (Prairie Star)
3f I'lltellyougo (Flinders Hiway)