Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Sunday September 15
Horse (Dam)
5g Super Romani (Gypsy Rose)
4m Superior Zara (Princess Zariel)
4m Swiss Wish (Worth A Fortune)
5g Lazio (Madonna Mia)
5g Platinum Sixty Six (Platinum Diva)
3f Ellipsis (Rare Occurrence)
4g Sun Halo (Glowing Trait)
8g Travanti (Hill Street Blues)
5g Sunlight Power (Emirates Comfort)
4g Team Happy (Alberton Park)
4m Poppy's Girl (What Katie Did)
6g Governor (Thinking Of You)
7g Dashwood (Pace Setter)
5g Mr Jones (Miss Salinger)
4m No Second Thoughts (No Doubt Ma'am)
4g Omega Boy (Bit Of Crumpet)
5g Justice (Fleet Action)
3g Exuma (Prettyhappyaboutit)
10g Em Bryan (Doubles Champion)
5g Joshua Brown (Midnight Mistress)
5g Barocco Bar (Gold Digger Miss)
3g Sugar Coat (Sugar Rush)
6g Money From The Sky (We Can Say It Now)
4m Mihoko Takeo (Draconic Treasure)
5g Devas Twelve (Phar Too Fast)
3f Girls Day Out (Radiant Diva)
4g Royal Law (Royal Star)
6m Islington Lass (Miss Relentless)
6g Bit Of A Rebel (Pick O' The Bunch)
6g Charmander (Moment Of Choice)
4g Mr Energia (Jolie Blonde)
7g Lord Spencer (La Vilente)
4m Zaszou (Zasorceress)
5g Zufasta (Doubtful Diva)