Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Saturday July 20
Horse (Dam)
3g Battlefield (Mossin' Around)
4g Deep Point (Western Gem)
4m Kihi (Ramlah)
3f Llanddwyn (Caricature)
5g Tupelawara (Idriess)
4g Brave Deel (Miss Evasive)
3f Laspirit Deeler (Lasqueti Spirit)
2c Red Aces (Cardiac)
4g Northern Pride (Hello Sweetpea)
5g Probity (O'katie)
7g Kneze (Bremer Babe)
3f Rebel Exe (Exabelle)
3f More Than You (Beside You)
5g Mammoth Mountain (Spectacular Vision)
2c Mayfair (Cicatrix)
5g Marvelous Night (Luna Ballerina)
4g La Cache A Vin (Kiss 'n Chase)
3g Tuck (Catalonia)
3f Xaphan (First Channel)
3g Misty Legend (Into The Mist)
4m Style And Grace (Young Love)
3f Lonhro's Queen (Queen Of The Hill)
7g Radegast (Marveen)
6g Enlist (Vexation)
4g Holmes (Incantare)
5g Songaa (Sharnee Rose)
4m Jewelmae (Jewel Du Rouge)
4g Chilli Palmer (Our Momento)
3g Talana (Sheza Shamardal)
5g Trinity Missile (Trinity Bay)
6m Powerstone (Oh So Frisky)
7g Stampe (Envelope)
3g Kalgan (Temple Divine)
2c First Settler (Graciousness)
4m Craiglea Etna (Craiglea Ceon)
3f Artpark (Oak Park Victoria)
5g Bowrider (Superlative)
4g Kimo (Bohena Beauty)
4g Robusto (She's Clean)
7g Dark City (Em Gee Brown)
5g Break Over (Rock Wallaby)
8g Diggity (Imprimis)
4g Iron Man (Sequential Charm)
3g Contrived (Premeditated)
4g Kapakiri (Oriental Lady)
3g Cotto (Miss Scenic Rim)
8g Mr Exclusive (Purple Butterfly)
4m Arqana (Bacchanal Woman)
5m Missayter (First Class To Rio)
3f Cranberries (Self Esteem)
5g Vevinsky (Dirty Vegas)
3g Le Zebra (Angel Del Dinero)
2g Horcrux (Magic And Danger)
3f Holyrood Girl (Princess Narine)
6m Kalahari Heart (Kalahari Princess)
5g Herb (Unapologetic)
2c Astapor (Black Mink)
5m Lady Rain (Lady Millions)