Daily Summary

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Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Tuesday September 17
Horse (Dam)
4g Laminar (Diva Lamore)
9m Spritely Emily (Zarock)
5g Kathy's Beau (Kathy's Spirit)
5m Let's Go Again (Numbers)
4m Spec Of Silver (Silver Sebring)
4g Blue As (Two Blue)
3g Asuriito (Realms Of Light)
3f Fully Calculated (Fully Chargeable)
4g Apache Deel (Arrow In The Sand)
4g If I Was You (Ribbons 'n' Roses)
7g Copperfield (Miss Centrefold)
3c Stranglehold (Sweet Scandal)
4g Orca (Left Alone)