Daily Summary

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Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Wednesday September 11
Horse (Dam)
3c Milbrae (Musaway)
5m Quicken Up (Skyerush)
6g Smytzer (Gold Chant)
4g Earendel (Alzahra Star)
4m Rich Minx (Capetown Hussey)
6g Scotch Tycoon (Champagne Flute)
3f Sinful Living (Paris Memory)
4g Packing Power (Chloe Anna)
5m Feathertop (Mt Of Beatitudes)
4g Prodigal Lad (Golden Statue)
3c Scary (Never Ever)
3c Mingardos (Equivalence)