Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Friday July 26
Horse (Dam)
3f Final Countdown (Sophie's Finale)
8g Raging Monkey (Tambul Dancer)
3f Brazen Bliss (Bellissima Miss)
4m Rose Of Denmark (Kiss In The Rain)
4m Russian Rose (Endean Rose)
3g Hangin' Around (Put The Rope Away)
4m Seiryu (Longmu)
3g Al Duca (Sienna Sunrise)
8g Arachnattack (Killorelin Belle)
6g Straya Pride (Harada Tat Tat)
2c Danxia (Cashenti)
6m Haunui (Little Tee)
5g Staunch (Secret Cause)
3g Inaugural (Yulong Baby)
3f Amnesia (Sheer Fantazee)
3f Weeping Woman (Cries And Whiskers)
4g Street Maschino (Strawberry Street)
7g Rogues Point (Our Magic Choice)
3g Abdication (Royal Glance)
4g Hide The Oreos (No Place To Hide)
4g Ten Commandments (Hearts And Flowers)
5m Qubella (La Bella Roo)
6g Tulla Park (Murials Spirit)
3g Clubhouse (Inforawaltz)
4m Ping (Rippylongstockings)
5g Bifrost (Angel Del Dinero)