Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Sunday July 21
Horse (Dam)
4g Fakeittillumakeit (Morgan Le Fay)
5g Middle Khan (Middlebrook)
3g Revuelto (Stage Door)
5g The Cunning Fox (Cross Rate)
4g Who Can It Be Now (Water Of Life)
5g Shikanic (Vanishka)
6g Passport (She Belongs)
5g Dancing Supremo (Just Dancing)
5g Outfit (Designacat)
2c After Match (Breakfast In Bed)
5g Dayan Star (Maracoola)
3g Koyama (Lady Pinot)
3g Chilling (Sixtyfour)
2g Coast Guard (South Of France)
7g Nature Boy (Elusive Elle)
4g Pickaxe (Imposing Lass)
4m Let Me Reign (Hailin' Diamonds)
4h Sweet N Sour (Classic Road)
7g Butch'n'bugs (Phar Too Fast)
2f Diablo Blanco (Phoebe Snow)
5g Right Now (Max Facta)
5g Ugo (La Veuve)
4g Montezulu (Montavator)