Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Friday September 13
Horse (Dam)
4m Mafia Mamma (Deals In Heels)
4m Grit (Our Tigress)
4m Rozel (Trinity Hill)
6g Limited Risk (Ravenous Lass)
3f Miss Rambler (St Covet Lass)
7g Stats (Position Ex)
6g Yes Dream (Platinum Ruby)
4g My Roca Fella (Given With Love)
4g All Gucci (Goody Two Shoes)
4g Armauer (Kontiki Dane)
3g Highway Strip (Highway Sixtysix)
5g Avenues (Hay Point)
7g Cleat (Wild Rock)
4h Kreon (Shirayuki)
4g Laa De Sha (Lis De Lune)
6g Spirit Meister (The Gingermeister)
5m Lynda's Legacy (Mam'selle Harada)
6g Fall Of Rome (Lady Churchill)
4h Sir Lunchalots (Silver Magic Ships)