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Race 2 - Jarrod Arentz Electrical & Solar Solutions Mdn Plate - 1600m
Maiden Set Weight. 3yo+. Apprentices Can Claim. Total Prizemoney $27,000
1. Cha Cha Capers (10)
4g Wayed Zain x Shim Sham (Delightful Choice)
T: B and A McKnight
J: Alysha Warren (a2) 59.5
Career: 1: 0-0-0 $675
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 1: 0-0-0
Soft: 0: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 1: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 0: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 0: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 8.9% (45)
Sire Dry: 5% (80)
Tnr 1 Yr: 4.3% (93)
Joc 1 Yr: 9.6% (314)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 0-0-0
10 of 11
Tatura 1450m Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Good3 Alysha Warren (4) 57.5 Btg: $26 ,$41 - 1 Bourne Identity Teodore Nugent 57; 2 Great Notes B McDougall 57.5; 3 Oriskany Thomas Stockdale 57.5. (Settle 3 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 7) Keen..
4 of 6
Stawell 1300m Barrier Trl Soft7 Ms C Puls (4) - 1 Maximilian Caesar
2. Gold Relay (6) (BLKS)
4g Gold Standard x Relais Christine (Haradasun)
T: Glen Gascoyne
J: Neil Farley 59.5
Career: 4: 0-0-0 $5,055
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 2: 0-0-0
Good: 1: 0-0-0
Soft: 3: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 1: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 1: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 1: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 9.6% (156)
Sire Dry: 12.4% (226)
Tnr 1 Yr: 0% (4)
Joc 1 Yr: 8.1% (814)
Horse/Jockey: 3: 0-0-0
4 of 11
Bendigo 1600m Mdn Plate ($37.5K - $1875) Good4 Neil Farley (2) 59.5 Btg: $16 ,$20 ,$18 - 1 Theophilus Beau Mertens 59.5; 2 Revolver John Allen 59.5; 3 Sandwina Jye McNeil 57.5. (Settle 8 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 8) Slowly away..
4 of 10
Seymour 1600m Mdn Plate ($27K - $1215) Soft7 Neil Farley (4) 59.5 Btg: $21 ,$15 ,$18 - 1 Electrozino B McDougall 59.5; 2 Thunder Force B Shinn 59.5; 3 Onnamusha J Noonan 57.5. (Settle 8 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 8) Began awkwardly.. Keen..
6 of 9
Bendigo 1400m Mdn Plate ($37.5K - $750) Soft6 Neil Farley (8) 59.5 Btg: $31 ,$41 - 1 Captain Barbossa B Shinn 57; 2 Heff L Currie 57; 3 Tamahine Ethan Brown 57.5. (Settle 9 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 8) Slowly away..
--- 47 days ---
4 of 12
Seymour 1000m Mdn Plate ($27K - $1215) Soft6 Rose Hammond (5) 57.5 Btg: $51 ,$61 - 1 Ania Beau Mertens 55; 2 Moaksun M Aitken 59.5; 3 Crystal Point Fred W Kersley 55. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 10)
3. Here Comes Wozza (1)
4g Impending x What A Snitz (Snitzel)
T: Gwenda Johnstone
J: Liam Riordan 59.5
Career: 3: 0-0-0 $2,700
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 2: 0-0-0
Soft: 1: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 1: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 1: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 1: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 10.9% (762)
Sire Dry: 10.1% (1158)
Tnr 1 Yr: 9.6% (94)
Joc 1 Yr: 9.5% (483)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
5 of 11
Donald 1356m Mdn Plate ($27K - $810) Good4 J Noonan (10) 59.5 Btg: $21 ,$31 - 1 Henry's Blade C J Parish 59.5; 2 Thinkhardandfast Jack Hill 57.5; 3 Knuckle J Maskiell 59.5. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 6)
7 of 14
Wangaratta 1100m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Soft5 J Noonan (13) 59.5 Btg: $31 - 1 Phantom Prince Luke Cartwright 57.5; 2 Tipsy Toronado B McDougall 57.5; 3 Queen Caves Neil Farley 57.5. (Settle 12 ; 800m 12 ; 400m 12) Began awkwardly..
4 of 8
Mildura 1112m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($27K - $1215) Good4 Rose Hammond (6) 58 Btg: $9 ,$8.50 - 1 Zebedee Springs H Coffey 57.5; 2 Collated B Rawiller 59.5; 3 I Catchem Fox E J Walsh 59.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 5) Began awkwardly.. Raced four wide..
4. Reenabled (9)
4g Rebel Dane x Dirkbrook Diva (Viscount)
T: Linc Sullivan
J: Jarrod Fry 59.5
Career: 3: 0-0-0 $1,985
Track: 1: 0-0-0
Dist: 2: 0-0-0
Good: 1: 0-0-0
Soft: 1: 0-0-0
Heavy: 1: 0-0-0
1st-up: 1: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 1: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 1: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 13.1% (290)
Sire Dry: 8.9% (360)
Tnr 1 Yr: 11.8% (17)
Joc 1 Yr: 11.1% (597)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
7 of 8
Albury 1600m Mdn Plate ($27K - $500) Heavy10 Josh Richards (1) 59 Btg: $7 ,$6.50 ,$7.50 - 1 Oversize Simon Miller 59; 2 I See Stars Holly Durnan 55; 3 Brilliant Badger Lachlan King 59. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 7) Slowly away..
5 of 12
Swan Hill 1600m Mdn Plate ($27K - $810) Good4 W Gordon (9) 59.5 Btg: $51 ,$61 - 1 Pray Day Declan Bates 59.5; 2 Dhanush B Shinn 59.5; 3 Explosive Weather Alana Kelly 59.5. (Settle 10 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 8)
9 of 11
Geelong 1230m 3yo Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Soft7 M Aitken (2) 58 Btg: $101 - 1 Bracarde Ben Allen 58; 2 Delivering John Allen 58; 3 British Poet Ethan Brown 58. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 9)
5 of 9
Bendigo 1000m Barrier Trl Soft5 Hannah Le Blanc (2) - 1 Bokeem
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Cranbourne Training 800m 3yo+ (Barrier Trial) Soft6 Ms A Herrmann (8) - 1 Barker
5. Royal Inference (4)
4g Inference x Avelon Royale (Falvelon)
T: Peter Chow
J: Tom Madden 59.5
Career: 9: 0-0-1 $10,265
Track: 1: 0-0-0
Dist: 3: 0-0-0
Good: 2: 0-0-1
Soft: 6: 0-0-0
Heavy: 1: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 2: 0-0-1
Sire Wet: 7.1% (154)
Sire Dry: 10.1% (208)
Tnr 1 Yr: 7.8% (129)
Joc 1 Yr: 10.5% (488)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 0-0-0
7 of 14
Terang 1600m Mdn Plate ($37.5K - $750) Soft5 Tom Madden (6) 59.5 Btg: $11 ,$7 - 1 Jimbrook Declan Bates 59.5; 2 Herworth Jarrod Fry 57.5; 3 Pure Thoughts Liam Riordan 59.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 5)
6 of 10
Murtoa 2050m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Heavy8 Melissa Julius (8) 59.5 Btg: $4.40 ,$5 - 1 Finnhugh Tom Madden 59.5; 2 Champagne Sabre Jack Hill 59.5; 3 Hasta La Peace Neil Farley 57.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1) Began awkwardly..
--- 35 days ---
6 of 14
Donald 1620m Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Soft7 Melissa Julius (10) 59.5 Btg: $19 ,$13 - 1 Mr Shorty W Gordon 59.5; 2 Dashing Rebel Ms C Puls 59.5; 3 Jenadar R J Hurdle 59.5. (Settle 12 ; 800m 11 ; 400m 7) Slowly away.. Keen..
8 of 12
Swan Hill 1600m 2,3yo Mdn Plate ($40K - $800) Good4 Melissa Julius (9) 59.5 Btg: $7 ,$9.50 ,$9 - 1 Montecristo D Yendall 59.5; 2 Makewhole Laura Lafferty 59.5; 3 High Altitude Jarrod Fry 57.5. (Settle 2 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 5) Keen..
5 of 9
Werribee 1417m Mdn Plate ($27K - $810) Soft6 Melissa Julius (9) 59.5 Btg: $21 ,$26 - 1 El Sordo Jarrod Fry 59.5; 2 Akitu John Allen 59.5; 3 Castle On High Declan Bates 59.5. (Settle 9 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 9) Keen..
--- 131 days ---
6 of 9
Warrnambool 1700m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($37.5K - $750) Soft7 Declan Bates (2) 58 Btg: $9 ,$8 - 1 Kimmorley John Allen 59.5; 2 Van Scotia Tayla Childs 55.5; 3 Active Duty Fred W Kersley 58. (Settle 2 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 2)
3 of 14
Warrnambool 1700m 3yo+ Mdn ($37.5K - $3375) Good4 Jordan Childs (14) 58 Btg: $11 ,$8.50 - 1 Ring Bearer Ms L J Meech 58; 2 Azoia Thomas Stockdale 57.5; 4 Iceberry Will Price 57.5. (Settle 7 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 1) Keen..
4 of 11
Hamilton 1400m Mdn ($27K - $1215) Soft5 Will Price (7) 58 Btg: $7.50 ,$14 - 1 Actaeon D Yendall 59.5; 2 Alice Downs Thomas Stockdale 57.5; 3 Tizso Fab Jarrod Fry 59.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 2)
4 of 13
Ararat 1300m 3yo+ Mdn ($27K - $1215) Soft6 R Mc Leod (5) 58 Btg: $16 ,$20 - 1 Falanghina Liam Riordan 57.5; 2 Chelsea Cube W Egan 59.5; 3 Reel Bonnie Lass Ryan Houston 56. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 6)
6. Summer Night (11) (BLKS)
4g Sooboog x Summer Song (Sebring)
T: Shane Fliedner
J: Stephen Brown 59.5
Career: 9: 0-1-0 $12,930
Inglis Gold Yearling Sale $11,000
Track: 1: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 5: 0-0-0
Soft: 1: 0-0-0
Heavy: 2: 0-1-0
1st-up: 2: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 2: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 9.8% (1077)
Sire Dry: 10.7% (1650)
Tnr 1 Yr: 4.1% (74)
Joc 1 Yr: 9.4% (32)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
9 of 11
Tatura 1450m Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Good3 Neil Farley (1) 59.5 Btg: $5.50 - 1 Bourne Identity Teodore Nugent 57; 2 Great Notes B McDougall 57.5; 3 Oriskany Thomas Stockdale 57.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 10) Held up middle stages.. Vetted - no abnormalities..
2 of 9
Horsham 1400m Mdn Plate ($27K - $4590) Heavy8 Neil Farley (3) 59.5 Btg: $5.50 ,$7.50 - 1 French Graffiti H Coffey 59.5; 3 Lady Of Steel Jarrod Fry 57.5; 4 You Little Nipper Tom Madden 57.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1)
5 of 10
Ballarat Synthetic 1500m Mdn Plate ($27K - $810) Synthetic0 B Mc Dougall (3) 59.5 Btg: $2.25 ,$2.05 ,$2.50 - 1 Lochdowne R J Hurdle 59.5; 2 Psychosis S Cronin 59.5; 3 Spot The Grey K Jennings 57. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 6) Held up near 500m.. Vetted - no abnormalities..
4 of 12
Swan Hill 1200m Mdn Plate ($27K - $1215) Good4 W Gordon (8) 59.5 Btg: $21 ,$19 - 1 Milbrae B Shinn 57; 2 Wareo Road B Rawiller 59.5; 3 Mega Mic Declan Bates 57. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 7)
6 of 12
Seymour 1200m Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Heavy8 J Noonan (3) 59.5 Btg: $14 ,$21 - 1 New York Lustre Carleen Hefel 57.5; 2 Heaving Liam Riordan 57; 3 Exabanoise R J Hurdle 59.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 7) Keen..
--- 102 days ---
2 of 7
Bendigo 800m Barrier Trl Soft5 S V Brown (7) - 1 Imelda Mayhem
--- 67 days ---
4 of 9
Kyneton 1103m 3yo+ Mdn ($27K - $1215) Soft6 J Noonan (3) 59 Btg: $8.50 ,$14 - 1 Barnage J Keating 59.5; 2 Exciting Times Melissa Julius 57.5; 3 Abstruse Declan Bates 57. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 5) Began awkwardly and lost ground..
10 of 12
Bendigo 1300m 3yo Mdn ($27K - $675) Good3 Neil Farley (5) 58 Btg: $6 ,$12 ,$11 - 1 King Zephyr Jordan Childs 58; 2 Command Order Ms W Costin 58; 3 Red Sparks J Bowditch 56. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 8) Keen..
4 of 8
Ballarat 1100m 3yo Mdn Plate ($37.5K - $1875) Good4 Neil Farley (6) 58 Btg: $15 ,$26 - 1 Streetwise H Coffey 56; 2 Courageous Lass Zac Spain 56; 3 Muretto B Shinn 56. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 7) Laid in in straight..
7 of 8
Moonee Valley 1200m 3yo Mdn Plate ($60K - $1200) Good4 H Coffey (7) 58 Btg: $26 - 1 Dark Journey D W Stackhouse 58; 2 Miss Winslet B Shinn 56; 3 King Of Wessex John Allen 58. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 8) Slowly away.. Hampered early on..
7. Translucent Angel (5) (BLKS)
4g Frosted x Farewell Angelina (Magnus)
T: Gwenda Johnstone
J: Ryan Houston (a0) 59.5
Career: 6: 0-0-0 $4,440
Track: 1: 0-0-0
Dist: 1: 0-0-0
Good: 2: 0-0-0
Soft: 4: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 1: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 9.8% (672)
Sire Dry: 11.9% (1060)
Tnr 1 Yr: 9.6% (94)
Joc 1 Yr: 8.3% (445)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
8 of 11
Echuca 2100m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Soft6 Rose Hammond (7) 57.5 Btg: $21 ,$26 - 1 Billabong Sue Brittany Button 54.5; 2 Mister Tom C J Parish 59.5; 3 Luckett Alana Kelly 59.5. (Settle 8 ; 800m 11 ; 400m 11) Checked near 800m..
8 of 14
Wangaratta 1590m Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Soft5 Rose Hammond (7) 57.5 Btg: $61 - 1 Lonely Road Jack Hill 59.5; 2 Dashing Rebel Sheridan Clarke 59.5; 3 Okesutora Matthew Cartwright 59.5. (Settle 12 ; 800m 12 ; 400m 12)
11 of 13
Wangaratta 1300m Mdn Plate ($37.5K - $0) Soft5 Rose Hammond (12) 57.5 Btg: $12 ,$16 - 1 Guarded Optimist Ben Allen 59.5; 2 Clux Star W Egan 57.5; 3 Norwegian Spirit C Newitt 59.5. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 11) Began awkwardly..
5 of 10
Swan Hill 1200m 3yo Mdn Plate ($40K - $1200) Good4 H Coffey (8) 58 Btg: $21 ,$19 ,$20 - 1 Warakurna Laura Lafferty 58; 2 All The Way Baby D Yendall 56; 3 Little Spark Ms L J Meech 56. (Settle 9 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 7) Began awkwardly..
--- 134 days ---
7 of 8
Tatura 850m Barrier Trl Good4 Rose Hammond (6) - 1 Fridge Monster
--- 120 days ---
7 of 9
Wangaratta 1170m 3yo Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Soft5 Rose Hammond (2) 56 Btg: $20 ,$31 ,$26 - 1 Olly's Fortune Thomas Stockdale 58; 2 Friend Of Honor H Coffey 58; 3 Mahsay W Egan 56. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 6) Blundered at start..
4 of 8
Wangaratta 1100m 3yo Mdn ($27K - $1215) Good4 Rose Hammond (8) 56 Btg: $13 ,$21 - 1 Sienna Clare B McDougall 56; 2 Rubology W Egan 58; 3 Silent Alert Liam Riordan 58. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1)
3 of 4
Ballarat Synthetic 850m 3yo+ (Barrier Trial) Synthetic0 Rose Hammond (3) - 1 Warui
8. Axedale Lady (12)
4m Gold Standard x Chacella (Churchill Downs)
T: Dan O'Sullivan
J: Blaike McDougall 57.5
Career: 2: 0-0-0 $1,350
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 1: 0-0-0
Soft: 0: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 1: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 1: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 0: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 9.6% (156)
Sire Dry: 12.4% (226)
Tnr 1 Yr: 10.8% (176)
Joc 1 Yr: 11.9% (767)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
8 of 12
Geelong 1340m 3yo+ F&M Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Good3 Ms J Kennedy (1) 56.5 Btg: $31 ,$26 - 1 Kokako B Shinn 58; 2 Grinzinger Sun Damian Lane 55.5; 3 Finale Ethan Brown 58. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 9)
--- 38 days ---
6 of 11
Ballarat Synthetic 1200m 4yo+ Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Synthetic0 Zac Spain (1) 57.5 Btg: $6.50 ,$7.50 - 1 Lord Admiral B McDougall 59.5; 2 Bower Boy John Allen 59.5; 3 Attaboom Neil Farley 59.5. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 4)
9. Lady Avenger (3) (BLKS)
5m Smart Missile x Bella Rippa (Scenic)
T: Archie Alexander
J: Harry Coffey 57.5
Career: 5: 0-2-0 $14,165
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 1: 0-0-0
Good: 1: 0-0-0
Soft: 0: 0-0-0
Heavy: 1: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 0-1-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-1-0
3rd-up: 1: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 10.5% (4658)
Sire Dry: 11.7% (9458)
Tnr 1 Yr: 9.7% (237)
Joc 1 Yr: 12% (631)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
5 of 10
Warracknabeal 1610m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($27K - $810) Good4 Ms L J Meech (2) 57.5 Btg: $2.80 ,$3.40 ,$3.10 - 1 Dashing Rebel Ms C Puls 59.5; 2 Truth I Fear J Bowditch 59.5; 3 Psychosis S Cronin 59.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 5) Crowded near 500m.. Vetted - no abnormalities..
2 of 11
Ballarat Synthetic 1400m 4yo+ Mdn Plate ($27K - $4590) Synthetic0 Ben Allen (9) 57.5 Btg: $9 ,$19 - 1 Flashbang C Newitt 59.5; 3 Notmeanttobe Teodore Nugent 59.5; 4 Cinq Chanel Fred W Kersley 57.5. (Settle 9 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 9) Pre race incident.. Passed fit at barrier..
--- 360 days ---
3 of 9
Terang 1000m Barrier Trl Good4 Declan Bates (4) - 1 En Primeur
--- 203 days ---
9 of 11
Pakenham Synthetic 1400m 3yo+ F&M Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Synthetic0 Ms L J Meech (2) 58 Btg: $4.20 ,$4 ,$4.40 - 1 Fergyliscious Patrick Moloney 58; 2 Special Dancer Gary Lo 55.5; 3 Star Harmony Beau Mertens 58. (Settle 4 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 4) Vetted - no abnormalities..
2 of 10
Ballarat Synthetic 1400m 3yo Mdn Plate ($27K - $4590) Synthetic0 Ms L J Meech (6) 56 Btg: $12 ,$17 - 1 Cherlinde H Coffey 56; 3 Kieffer Lachlan King 58; 4 Eureka Storm Declan Bates 58. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 10) Keen..
8 of 11
Sandown-Lakeside 1200m Mdn Plate ($55K - $1100) Heavy8 John Allen (6) 57.5 Btg: $26 ,$31 - 1 Refreshing D Oliver 57.5; 2 Pickaxe Ben Allen 59.5; 3 Ortega W F Pinn 59.5. (Settle 9 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 9) Hampered at start..
6 of 7
Benalla 1000m Barrier Trl Soft6 Rose Hammond (6) - 1 Rackemann
5 of 6
Tatura 850m Barrier Trl Soft6 C J Parish (5) - 1 Jenny Jerome
10. Street Seeker (2) (BLKS)
4m Snitzel x Walk The Streets (Street Cry)
T: Jason Warren
J: Lachlan King 57.5
Career: 5: 0-1-1 $8,775
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 1: 0-1-0
Good: 4: 0-1-1
Soft: 1: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-1-0
3rd-up: 1: 0-0-1
Sire Wet: 15.2% (7569)
Sire Dry: 14.2% (14380)
Tnr 1 Yr: 13.1% (259)
Joc 1 Yr: 9.3% (451)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
2 of 13
Bairnsdale 1600m Mdn Plate ($27K - $4590) Good4 J Maskiell (7) 57.5 Btg: $19 ,$14 - 1 Hurry Curry Jye McNeil 55; 3 Exquisite Vision Jordan Childs 57.5; 4 Shockstar Ben Allen 59.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 2) Raced wide without cover..
7 of 13
Wangaratta 1300m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Soft5 Liam Riordan (4) 57.5 Btg: $8.50 ,$9 ,$5.50 - 1 Hidden Comfort J Duffy 57.5; 2 Duckie J Noonan 57.5; 3 Flight Officer B Rawiller 59.5. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 3)
--- 191 days ---
3 of 8
Hamilton 2200m 3yo+ Mdn Hwt ($27K - $2160) Good4 William Mc Carthy (6) 67 Btg: $14 ,$17 - 1 Diwali T Ryan 69; 2 Crafty Boss W Gordon 69.5; 4 Yankee Zulu Chris Mc Carthy 69.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 4) Raced wide without cover..
8 of 14
Kyneton 1856m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Good4 J Noonan (8) 57 Btg: $31 ,$18 ,$21 - 1 Cherokee Brave Ben Allen 59; 2 Phair Plan Teodore Nugent 59.5; 3 Amelie Madison Lloyd 57. (Settle 9 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 8)
6 of 14
Cranbourne 1500m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Good4 J Noonan (8) 56 Btg: $7 ,$12 - 1 Tosen Warrior J Mott 59.5; 2 Moon Lightning Liam Riordan 56; 3 Lucky Duck Ms J Kennedy 54. (Settle 8 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 8) Slowly away..
11. Suddenly (8)
6m Trust In A Gust x Tiffany's Best (Soviet Lad)
T: Enver Jusufovic
J: Carleen Hefel 57.5
Career: 10: 0-1-1 $15,555
Inglis Gold Yearling Sale $10,000
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 5: 0-0-1
Good: 6: 0-1-0
Soft: 3: 0-0-1
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 3: 0-0-1
2nd-up: 3: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 3: 0-1-0
Sire Wet: 9.4% (459)
Sire Dry: 10% (689)
Tnr 1 Yr: 21.6% (134)
Joc 1 Yr: 7.7% (754)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 0-0-0
8 of 10
Sale 1415m 4yo+ Mdn Plate ($37.5K - $750) Good4 M Michel (4) 57.5 Btg: $13 ,$15 - 1 Thoughtful Woman Ethan Brown 57.5; 2 Lady Potato Head D W Stackhouse 57.5; 3 Yorkel Zac Spain 59.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 4) Tightened for room..
2 of 14
Geelong 1312m Mdn Plate ($27K - $4590) Good4 M Michel (5) 57.5 Btg: $16 ,$21 - 1 Snick L Currie 57.5; 3 Exquisite Vision Lachlan King 57.5; 4 Bella Fillide Jack Hill 57.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 6)
--- 81 days ---
9 of 12
Moe 1600m Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Soft7 Emily Pozman (3) 55 Btg: $14 ,$12 ,$13 - 1 Pipi Road M Michel 57.5; 2 Norma's Fleet B Higgins 57.5; 3 Cleopatra Link Thomas Stockdale 57.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 7)
8 of 8
Cranbourne 1600m Mdn Plate ($40K - $800) Good4 Teodore Nugent (7) 57.5 Btg: $8 ,$11 - 1 That'Swhatshesaid Ethan Brown 57.5; 2 Winged Patrick Moloney 59.5; 3 Our Bonnio Miss D W Stackhouse 57.5. (Settle 3 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 2) Vetted - no abnormalities..
--- 244 days ---
4 of 10
Echuca 2100m 3yo+ Mdn ($27K - $1215) Good4 J Maskiell (2) 57.5 Btg: $4.60 ,$5.50 ,$5 - 1 Rasputina Liam Riordan 57.5; 2 Hawkeyedhost Ms J Kennedy 55.5; 3 Capital Cheval Patrick Moloney 59.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 4)
7 of 9
Pakenham Synthetic 1600m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($40K - $800) Synthetic0 J Maskiell (9) 57.5 Btg: $20 ,$15 ,$17 - 1 North Channel D W Stackhouse 59.5; 2 Tertulia Thomas Stockdale 57.5; 3 Frankfurt Beau Mertens 57. (Settle 9 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 8) Keen..
3 of 14
Moe 1600m Mdn Plate ($37.5K - $3375) Soft6 J Maskiell (7) 57.5 Btg: $13 ,$18 ,$17 - 1 Cumbrian Queen Celine Gaudray 57.5; 2 Only Love Jordan Childs 57.5; 4 Tocasia Lachlan King 57.5. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 5)
--- 154 days ---
6 of 12
Stony Creek 2100m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($27K - $675) Good4 Carleen Hefel (5) 57.5 Btg: $4.40 ,$6 ,$5.50 - 1 Misspoke Ben Allen 57; 2 Arctic Princess R McLeod 57.5; 3 King Kurt C Newitt 59. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1) Hung out early stages..
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Ballarat 2000m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($37.5K - $1875) Good4 Teodore Nugent (8) 57.5 Btg: $41 ,$81 - 1 Kentucky Nick Dean Holland 59; 2 Chihuly B McDougall 59; 3 Arctic Princess Jarrod Fry 57.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1)
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Pakenham 1600m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($40K - $800) Soft6 Teodore Nugent (5) 57.5 Btg: $61 ,$101 - 1 Crimson Light Carleen Hefel 57.5; 2 Cautious Interest Patrick Moloney 57.5; 3 Skinny Dip J Mott 59.5. (Settle 11 ; 800m 11 ; 400m 11)
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Cranbourne Training 990m Barrier Trl Heavy10 Thomas Prebble (10) - 1 Red Phantom
12. Trustthesheriff (7)
6m Trust In A Gust x Julinsky (Kempinsky)
T: Nathan Hobson
J: Logan McNeil 57.5
Career: 1: 0-0-0 $0
Track: 1: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 1: 0-0-0
Soft: 0: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 1: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 0: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 0: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 9.4% (459)
Sire Dry: 10% (689)
Tnr 1 Yr: 7.3% (275)
Joc 1 Yr: 5.3% (340)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
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Swan Hill 1200m 3yo+ Mdn Plate ($27K - $0) Good4 R Beattie (8) 57.5 Btg: $101 ,$151 - 1 Surfy Pete M Pegus 59; 2 Clinqstar H Coffey 57; 3 Capre Omnia D Yendall 59. (Settle 13 ; 800m 13 ; 400m 13) Crowded at start. Keen..
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Tatura 850m Barrier Trl Good3 R Beattie (7) - 1 Koperbeau