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Race 1 - TAB Hcp - 1300m
Open Handicap. 3yo. Apprentices Can Claim. Total Prizemoney $21,000
1. Lonhy's Fabre (1)
3g Dracarys x Grey Mink (Lonhro)
T: Ricky Vale
J: 60
Career: 1: 1-0-0 $21,300
Winning Distances: 1100(1)
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 1: 1-0-0
Soft: 0: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 1: 1-0-0
2nd-up: 0: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 0: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 13.6% (59)
Sire Dry: 16.7% (84)
Tnr 1 Yr: 18.4% (190)
Joc 1 Yr: NaN% (0)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
1 of 10
Mackay 1100m 3yo Mdn ($23K - $12800) Good3 Ashley Butler (3) 60 Btg: $6 ,$3.20 - 2 Gee Up Justin P Stanley 60; 3 The Home Team R Wiggins 59.5; 4 Amberinger W G Satherley 58. (Settle 2 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 2)
2 of 4
Rockhampton 900m Barrier Trl Heavy8 McKenzie Apel (4) - 1 Tekopo
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Rockhampton 900m Barrier Trl Heavy8 McKenzie Apel (1) - 1 Astra Star
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Rockhampton 900m Barrier Trl Good4 Ashley Butler (5) - 1 Ranrahrah
2. The Home Team (4) (BLKS)
3g Impending x Done Deal (Good Journey)
T: Nick Walsh
J: Justin Huxtable 60
Career: 4: 1-0-2 $28,540
Winning Distances: 1100(1)
MM Gold Coast March Yearling Sale $16,000
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 2: 1-0-1
Soft: 2: 0-0-1
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 0-0-2
2nd-up: 2: 1-0-0
3rd-up: 0: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 10.9% (761)
Sire Dry: 10.1% (1158)
Tnr 1 Yr: 33.3% (87)
Joc 1 Yr: 15.6% (649)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
1 of 9
Mackay 1100m 3yo Mdn Plate ($23K - $12800) Good4 R Wiggins (8) 58 Btg: $2.05 ,$2.30 ,$2.10 - 2 Well Held Justin P Stanley 58; 3 Fraser's Ridge Leah Martyn 55; 4 Tekopo Justin Huxtable 56.5. (Settle 2 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 2) Laid out near 150m..
3 of 10
Mackay 1100m 3yo Mdn ($23K - $2200) Good3 R Wiggins (5) 59.5 Btg: $6 ,$4.80 ,$5.50 - 1 Lonhy's Fabre Ashley Butler 60; 2 Gee Up Justin P Stanley 60; 4 Amberinger W G Satherley 58. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 3) Raced three wide..
--- 140 days ---
4 of 4
Rockhampton 900m Barrier Trl Heavy8 W G Satherley (3) - 1 Tekopo
--- 120 days ---
2 of 5
Rockhampton 900m Barrier Trl Good4 Ashley Butler (2) - 1 Amberinger
--- 104 days ---
7 of 11
Rockhampton 1100m 2yo Mdn ($23K - $440) Soft5 R Wiggins (8) 58 Btg: $4.40 ,$5 ,$4.80 - 1 Astra Star Leslie Tilley 59; 2 Better Than Words Olivia Kendal 53; 3 Firebreak Adam Sewell 56.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 7) Travelled poorly..
3 of 12
Rockhampton 1100m 2yo Mdn ($23K - $2200) Soft6 Ashley Butler (6) 59 Btg: $4.80 ,$5.50 - 1 Sun Worshipper Olivia Kendal 54; 2 Astra Star Justin Huxtable 59; 4 Good Girl Polly K H Zechner 58. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 2) Began awkwardly.. Lost plates.. Vetted - no abnormalities..
1 of 5
Rockhampton 900m Barrier Trl Good4 W G Satherley (2) - 2 Little Town Flash
3. Mishani Destiny (5) (BLKS)
3g Sun City x Mishani Forbidden (Nothing To Lose)
T: John Manzelmann
J: 59.5
Career: 11: 1-1-3 $43,300
Winning Distances: 1250(1)
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 4: 0-0-2
Soft: 6: 1-1-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 1: 0-0-1
2nd-up: 1: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 1: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 13.6% (22)
Sire Dry: 12.5% (24)
Tnr 1 Yr: 8.2% (873)
Joc 1 Yr: NaN% (0)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
2 of 5
Cairns 1250m 3yo Hcp ($30K - $5300) Soft5 S Cormack (5) 54 Btg: $5.50 ,$6.50 ,$6 - 1 I'Lltellyougo R Wiggins 62; 3 Hand Grenade P Romeo 54; 4 Sogoya Ms L Morrison 55. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 2) Raced wide without cover..
7 of 8
Rockhampton 1200m 3yo Hcp (C2) ($21K - $400) Soft5 Ron Stewart (3) 56.5 Btg: $21 ,$41 - 1 Sun Worshipper Melea Castle 54; 2 Ask Me Mate Justin P Stanley 60; 3 Electric Brae W G Satherley 56.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 6) Began awkwardly and lost ground.. Laid in near 400m..
3 of 9
Mackay 1100m 3yo Open Hcp ($30K - $2800) Good4 Ms C Jokic (1) 57 Btg: $20 ,$15 - 1 That's Interesting Justin P Stanley 57; 2 Ask Me Mate Ms T Chambers 60; 4 Power Of Katie W G Satherley 56. (Settle 9 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 9)
1 of 10
Cairns 1250m 3yo Mdn ($23K - $12800) Soft6 Justin Huxtable (9) 58.5 Btg: $4.60 ,$3.20 ,$3.30 - 2 March Madness C Whiteley 58.5; 3 Mr Grumbler Tyler Leslight 57; 4 Mishani Opal Ms L Morrison 58.5. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 10) Slowly away.. Warning - barrier manners..
8 of 9
Townsville 1400m 2yo Open Hcp ($30K - $500) Soft5 Jackson Murphy (6) 54 Btg: $31 ,$51 - 1 Astra Star C Whiteley 59.5; 2 Underrated Justin P Stanley 57; 3 Kobayastar Ms C Jokic 57.5. (Settle 9 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 9) Began awkwardly..
3 of 6
Mackay 1200m 2yo Hcp ($21K - $1950) Good4 A Layt (5) 54.5 Btg: $26 - 1 Acedrod Justin Huxtable 59; 2 Dalt Jaz Leah Martyn 50; 4 Outback Bandit Justin P Stanley 58.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 5) Eased near 500m..
6 of 8
Rockhampton 1100m 2yo Hcp ($18K - $350) Soft5 C Mc Iver (5) 55 Btg: $15 ,$31 - 1 More Stylish Emily Lang 55.5; 2 Fraser's Ridge Jackson Murphy 55.5; 3 Rivelly S T Collett 54.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 5) Struck interference at start..
8 of 12
Warwick 1100m 2yo Mdn ($30K - $500) Good4 Anthony Allen (6) 58 Btg: $17 ,$18 ,$6 - 1 I'Lltellyouso Ms G Cartwright 56.5; 2 City United Adin Thompson 59; 3 Octaboom Jai Williams 57. (Settle 9 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 9) Reluctant to proceed to barriers..
6 of 10
Gatton 1100m 2yo Mdn Plate ($22K - $400) Soft5 Tom Orr (8) 55 Btg: $13 ,$15 - 1 Bonfire Spark Madeleine Wishart 56; 2 Ally Justin Huxtable 56.5; 3 Unega Wahy'A M Hellyer 58. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 3) Struck interference at start..
7 of 9
Doomben 1110m 2yo Mdn Plate ($40K - $800) Good4 James Orman (7) 58 Btg: $7.50 ,$9.50 - 1 Carravilla S T Collett 56; 2 Provance Ryan Maloney 58; 3 La Cometa J Byrne 56. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 5) Inconvenienced at start.. Laid in near 200m..
4. Better Than Words (7) (BLKS)
3f Better Than Ready x Spread The Word (Denman)
T: John Wigginton
J: Ryan Wiggins 57.5
Career: 5: 1-1-1 $38,190
Winning Distances: 1300(1)
Track: 1: 1-0-0
Dist: 1: 1-0-0
Good: 1: 1-0-0
Soft: 3: 0-1-1
Heavy: 1: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 0-1-1
2nd-up: 2: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 1: 1-0-0
Sire Wet: 12.8% (2498)
Sire Dry: 13.8% (4818)
Tnr 1 Yr: 12.8% (94)
Joc 1 Yr: 19.5% (558)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 1-0-0
1 of 6
Yeppoon 1300m 3yo Mdn ($23K - $12800) Good4 R Wiggins (4) 57.5 Btg: $3.90 ,$4.40 ,$3.60 - 2 Moet At Midnight Justin P Stanley 59; 3 Supeedo Gonzales Olivia Kendal 57.5; 4 Mishani Opal Melea Castle 58. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 5) Inconvenienced at start.. Hampered early on.. Laid in in straight..
5 of 8
Rockhampton 1200m 3yo Mdn Hcp ($23K - $750) Heavy8 Zac Sprie (5) 55 Btg: $5 ,$9 - 1 Scrub Chain Justin Huxtable 60; 2 Little Pinker Justin P Stanley 58.5; 3 Gotta Hero Jackson Murphy 59. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 8)
3 of 5
Rockhampton 1050m 2,3yo Mdn Plate ($23K - $2200) Soft5 Tahlia Fenlon (4) 54.5 Btg: $4.40 ,$5.50 - 1 Power Of Katie W G Satherley 54.5; 2 Catmiss Justin P Stanley 54.5; 4 Moscow City A Layt 56.5. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 4) Overraced early stages..
--- 89 days ---
6 of 10
Rockhampton 1200m 2yo Mdn ($23K - $440) Soft5 Justin P Stanley (2) 56.5 Btg: $4.20 ,$3.20 - 1 Acedrod Leslie Tilley 59; 2 Outback Bandit Justin Huxtable 58.5; 3 Horrible Hank Alisha Donald 55. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 5) Failed to respond to riding..
2 of 11
Rockhampton 1100m 2yo Mdn ($23K - $4000) Soft5 Olivia Kendal (3) 53 Btg: $31 - 1 Astra Star Leslie Tilley 59; 3 Firebreak Adam Sewell 56.5; 4 Querida W G Satherley 56. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 6) Slowly away..
3 of 4
Rockhampton 900m Barrier Trl Soft6 Ashley Butler (3) - 1 I'Lltellyougo
5. Moet At Midnight (3) (BLKS)
3g The Mission x Moet Miss (Uncle Mo)
T: Clinton Taylor
J: Justin P Stanley 57.5
Career: 10: 0-2-2 $33,235
MM Gold Coast National Yearling Sale $4,000
Track: 1: 0-1-0
Dist: 1: 0-1-0
Good: 5: 0-1-1
Soft: 4: 0-1-0
Heavy: 1: 0-0-1
1st-up: 2: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-1-0
3rd-up: 2: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 7.8% (307)
Sire Dry: 11.3% (512)
Tnr 1 Yr: 25.9% (266)
Joc 1 Yr: 18.1% (674)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 0-1-0
2 of 6
Yeppoon 1300m 3yo Mdn ($23K - $4000) Good4 Justin P Stanley (2) 59 Btg: $2.20 ,$1.85 ,$1.90 - 1 Better Than Words R Wiggins 57.5; 3 Supeedo Gonzales Olivia Kendal 57.5; 4 Mishani Opal Melea Castle 58. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 3) Overraced early stages..
3 of 9
Ipswich 1350m 3yo Mdn Plate ($40K - $3600) Good4 James Orman (5) 58 Btg: $6 ,$6.50 - 1 Sammy Conquers All R Wiggins 58; 2 Unega Wahy'A Marnu Potgieter 55; 4 Proclaimer Ryan Maloney 58. (Settle 4 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 5) Keen..
3 of 9
Beaudesert 1400m 3yo Mdn ($30K - $2800) Heavy10 Jace McMurray (7) 56 Btg: $6 ,$4.20 - 1 Cherry Lips M Hellyer 56; 2 Aima Sun N Tomizawa 56; 4 Green Meadows Justin Huxtable 58. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 2) Raced wide without cover..
6 of 10
Sunshine Coast 1200m 3yo Mdn ($30K - $500) Soft5 Kirk Matheson (7) 58.5 Btg: $26 ,$51 ,$41 - 1 Hoffman James Orman 59.5; 2 King Spirit Bailey Wheeler 59.5; 3 Creativity Miss Cody Collis 56. (Settle 9 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 6) Crowded at start.. Struck interference near 500m..
9 of 11
Toowoomba 1200m 2yo Mdn ($24.5K - $485) Good4 Dylan Bennett (4) 55 Btg: $7.50 ,$8 ,$6 - 1 Outta Control Leslie Tilley 58.5; 2 Just Cliffy Luke Tarrant 59; 3 Explosive Tycoon Anthony Allen 58.5. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 6) Inconvenienced at start.. Overraced Near 900m..
4 of 10
Beaudesert 1100m 2yo Mdn Plate ($30K - $1600) Soft7 Kirk Matheson (3) 58 Btg: $3.60 ,$4.40 - 1 Indubitably Jace McMurray 54; 2 Sidled Boris Thornton 58; 3 Alpine Raider Madeleine Wishart 58. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 5)
7 of 10
Ipswich 800m 2yo Mdn Plate ($30K - $500) Soft5 Angela Jones (7) 58 Btg: $5.50 ,$9 - 1 Shows A Sign Leslie Tilley 58; 2 Li'L Rex Ms G Cartwright 58; 3 Mishani Devine Tahlia Fenlon 54.5. (Settle 10 ; 400m 10) Slowly away.. Tactics queried..
--- 167 days ---
6 of 6
Eagle Farm 1200m B J McLachlan G3 ($300K - $3750) Good4 Jaden Lloyd (2) 57 Btg: $26 ,$51 ,$41 - 1 Storm Boy A Hyeronimus 57; 2 Poster Girl R Dolan 55; 3 Customized B Shinn 57. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 5)
2 of 5
Ipswich 800m 2yo Mdn ($30K - $5300) Soft5 Jaden Lloyd (3) 58 Btg: $1.70 ,$1.80 ,$1.60 - 1 What A Doozy M Rodd 56; 3 Rhumb Line Kyle Wilson-Taylor 58; 4 Rothweiler Ms G Cartwright 58. (Settle 3 ; 400m 3)
--- 60 days ---
1 of 7
Doomben 840m 2yo (Barrier Trial) Soft7 Jaden Lloyd (4) - 2 Boomroux
--- 47 days ---
5 of 10
Eagle Farm 1000m 2yo Swp ($85K - $2400) Good4 Jaden Lloyd (6) 56.5 Btg: $3.10 ,$3.50 ,$3.40 - 1 Kahlisee S T Collett 54.5; 2 Mishani Storm Ben Thompson 54.5; 3 Mishani Fire Anthony Allen 54.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 5) Began awkwardly. Crowded near 600m. Poor recovery..
1 of 5
Doomben 840m 2yo (Barrier Trial) Good4 Kirk Matheson (4) - 2 Devine Force
6. Simply Tina (2) (BLKS)
3f Exceedance x Seismic Warning (More Than Ready)
T: John Manzelmann
J: 57.5
Career: 8: 1-0-2 $19,775
Winning Distances: 950(1)
MM Gold Coast National Yearling Sale $32,500
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 5: 0-0-2
Soft: 3: 1-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-0-1
3rd-up: 1: 0-0-1
Sire Wet: 16.4% (55)
Sire Dry: 17% (47)
Tnr 1 Yr: 8.2% (873)
Joc 1 Yr: NaN% (0)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
7 of 9
Mackay 1100m Hcp (55) ($21K - $400) Good4 Leah Martyn (6) 51.5 Btg: $51 - 1 Spec Of Silver Michael Murphy 55.5; 2 Whittlesford Justin Huxtable 57.5; 3 Dickin Medal C Whiteley 57. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 6)
9 of 9
Mackay 1050m Hcp (C1) ($21K - $400) Good3 Leah Martyn (6) 51 Btg: $26 ,$20 ,$31 - 1 Humour Me S Cormack 56; 2 Seisme R Wiggins 57; 3 Candlelit Ashley Butler 61.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 7) Wide throughout..
--- 149 days ---
1 of 9
Cairns 950m 2yo Mdn ($23K - $12800) Soft6 C Whiteley (8) 57 Btg: $7 ,$8 - 2 Miss Rambler R Wiggins 56.5; 3 Ithinkbetta A Layt 56; 4 Looming Legend S Sheargold 56.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 7) Overraced early, middle stages..
4 of 7
Rockhampton 1100m 2yo Open Hcp ($18K - $825) Soft5 Adam Sewell (3) 56.5 Btg: $19 ,$16 ,$18 - 1 Cryptostar W G Satherley 59; 2 Chimera Magic R Wiggins 57; 3 Age Of Aquarius Ms T Chambers 59. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 5) Overraced early stages..
4 of 7
Townsville 1000m 2yo Open Hcp ($21K - $1000) Good4 C Whiteley (6) 56.5 Btg: $16 ,$51 - 1 Dance For Me Randy R Wiggins 59; 2 Margot Barbie S T Collett 56.5; 3 Forgetaboutit Adam Sewell 56.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 5) Swung sideways at start..
3 of 8
Rockhampton 1100m 2yo Plate ($25K - $2400) Good4 C Whiteley (5) 55 Btg: $12 ,$17 - 1 Sunshinyday Adam Sewell 55; 2 What A Doozy Justin P Stanley 55; 4 Mishani I Am C Mc Iver 57. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 3) Began awkwardly.. Overraced early stages..
3 of 4
Rockhampton 1050m 2yo Open ($21K - $1950) Good4 Adam Sewell (3) 58.5 Btg: $6 ,$14 ,$12 - 1 More Stylish R Wiggins 56.5; 2 Well Held Justin P Stanley 58.5; 4 Dalt Jaz Ms T Chambers 58. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 4)
--- 64 days ---
29 of 5
Cairns 950m 2yo Mdn ($23K - $0) Soft5 Jackson Murphy (2) 57.5 Btg: $3.80 ,$4.80 ,$4.60 - 1 Rocket Power Ms L Morrison 57; 2 Mishani Sunset R Wiggins 57; 3 Mishani Style J L Taylor 56.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1) Raced Greenly..
7. Mishani Opal (6) (BLKS)
3g The Mission x Mishani Sapphire (Denman)
T: John Manzelmann
J: 55.5
Career: 14: 0-1-1 $24,890
Track: 1: 0-0-0
Dist: 1: 0-0-0
Good: 9: 0-1-1
Soft: 5: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-1-0
3rd-up: 2: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 7.8% (307)
Sire Dry: 11.3% (512)
Tnr 1 Yr: 8.2% (873)
Joc 1 Yr: NaN% (0)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
4 of 6
Yeppoon 1300m 3yo Mdn ($23K - $1050) Good4 Melea Castle (1) 58 Btg: $16 ,$21 - 1 Better Than Words R Wiggins 57.5; 2 Moet At Midnight Justin P Stanley 59; 3 Supeedo Gonzales Olivia Kendal 57.5. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 4) Eased near 1000m.. Overraced early stages..
3 of 9
Mackay 1200m Mdn Plate ($23K - $2200) Good4 Leah Martyn (3) 52 Btg: $8 ,$10 - 1 Love On Display Jackson Murphy 56.5; 2 Moon Over Matilda S Cormack 56.5; 4 March Madness C Whiteley 56. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 8) Began awkwardly and lost ground.. Pulled hard..
9 of 9
Mackay 1100m 3yo Open Hcp ($30K - $500) Good4 M Hellyer (9) 54 Btg: $61 ,$41 ,$51 - 1 That's Interesting Justin P Stanley 57; 2 Ask Me Mate Ms T Chambers 60; 3 Mishani Destiny Ms C Jokic 57. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 8)
4 of 10
Cairns 1250m 3yo Mdn ($23K - $1050) Soft6 Ms L Morrison (8) 58.5 Btg: $5 ,$4.20 ,$4.40 - 1 Mishani Destiny Justin Huxtable 58.5; 2 March Madness C Whiteley 58.5; 3 Mr Grumbler Tyler Leslight 57. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 8)
6 of 9
Townsville 1400m 2yo Open Hcp ($30K - $500) Soft5 N Thomas (9) 54 Btg: $101 - 1 Astra Star C Whiteley 59.5; 2 Underrated Justin P Stanley 57; 3 Kobayastar Ms C Jokic 57.5. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 8) Laid in near 1000m..
5 of 6
Mackay 1200m 2yo Hcp ($21K - $650) Good4 N Thomas (1) 54.5 Btg: $26 ,$21 - 1 Acedrod Justin Huxtable 59; 2 Dalt Jaz Leah Martyn 50; 3 Mishani Destiny A Layt 54.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 4)
5 of 8
Rockhampton 1100m 2yo Hcp ($18K - $500) Soft5 N Thomas (2) 55 Btg: $20 ,$26 ,$21 - 1 More Stylish Emily Lang 55.5; 2 Fraser's Ridge Jackson Murphy 55.5; 3 Rivelly S T Collett 54.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 6) Bounded on jumping..
6 of 10
Mackay 1050m 2yo Mdn ($23K - $440) Good4 N Thomas (5) 58 Btg: $31 ,$51 - 1 Mahia Jackson Murphy 56.5; 2 Little Pinker Justin Huxtable 56.5; 3 Dubious Love Dylan Bennett 54.5. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 7) Slowly away..
9 of 12
Warwick 1100m 2yo Mdn ($30K - $500) Good4 Tom Orr (10) 55.5 Btg: $16 ,$21 - 1 I'Lltellyouso Ms G Cartwright 56.5; 2 City United Adin Thompson 59; 3 Octaboom Jai Williams 57. (Settle 11 ; 800m 11 ; 400m 10) Vetted - no abnormalities..
--- 178 days ---
4 of 7
Doomben 840m Barrier Trl Soft6 Jake Bayliss (7) - 1 Bobbi Darlin'
--- 164 days ---
4 of 5
Beaudesert 900m Barrier Trl Heavy9 Tom Orr (4) - 1 Nirvana The Storm
--- 138 days ---
4 of 5
Doomben 1110m 2yo Plate ($105K - $5000) Soft6 M R Du Plessis (5) 57 Btg: $26 ,$51 - 1 Astapor Justin P Stanley 57; 2 Mishani Ego Ben Thompson 55; 3 Mishani Eclipse R Dolan 57. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 5)