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Race 3 - Bellbowrie District Probus Club Hcp - 1100m
Open Handicap. 3yo. Apprentices Can Claim. Total Prizemoney $28,000
1. Paleface Ringo (3)
3g Under The Louvre x Suzy's Rose (Nicconi)
T: Jack Brown
J: Micheal Hellyer 59
Career: 6: 1-4-1 $57,800
Winning Distances: 1000(1)
Track: 2: 0-1-1
Dist: 1: 0-1-0
Good: 3: 1-2-0
Soft: 3: 0-2-1
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 1: 0-1-0
2nd-up: 1: 1-0-0
3rd-up: 1: 0-0-1
Sire Wet: 15.1% (424)
Sire Dry: 9.2% (611)
Tnr 1 Yr: 3.2% (31)
Joc 1 Yr: 9.7% (545)
Horse/Jockey: 3: 1-1-1
2 of 8
Toowoomba 870m 3yo Hcp ($22.5K - $3950) Good3 M Hellyer (1) 60 Btg: $2 ,$1.65 ,$1.85 - 1 Joy A Plenty Ms G Cartwright 55; 3 Mishani Ego Madeleine Wishart 59; 4 State In Texas Anthony Allen 59. (Settle 1 ; 400m 1) Laid in on straightening..
--- 63 days ---
1 of 6
Beaudesert 900m Barrier Trl Soft5 M Hellyer (2) - 2 Leica Glove
--- 51 days ---
2 of 6
Toowoomba 1100m 2yo Hcp ($22.5K - $3950) Soft5 Landan Sykes (3) 56 Btg: $1.70 ,$1.30 - 1 Reigning Alpha Olivia Webb 55; 3 Betta Than Presley N Tomizawa 57; 4 Lady Bossa Nova K Yoshida 54. (Settle 2 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 4) Laid in in straight..
2 of 7
Dalby 1200m 2yo Open Hcp ($20K - $3500) Good4 Melea Castle (2) 59 Btg: $2.80 ,$3 ,$2.30 - 1 Mishani Storm Tom Orr 55; 3 I'Lltellyouso Jace McMurray 54; 4 River Rogue Madeleine Wishart 58. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 5) Keen.. Hampered in straight..
--- 57 days ---
3 of 8
Ipswich 800m 2yo Open Hcp ($38K - $3400) Soft5 M Hellyer (5) 59 Btg: $10 ,$11 ,$9 - 1 Rhumb Line Angela Jones 57.5; 2 Accelar Cejay Graham 55.5; 4 Astin Lane R Dolan 57. (Settle 3 ; 400m 3)
1 of 9
Toowoomba 1000m 2yo Mdn ($24.5K - $13700) Good4 M Hellyer (2) 58 Btg: $1.85 ,$1.40 - 2 Ain't Tellin N Tomizawa 56; 3 Rothweiler Ms G Cartwright 58; 4 Hokitika Justin P Stanley 58. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1) Laid out near turn.. Laid in on straightening.. Inconvenienced near 200m..
2 of 10
Ipswich 800m 2yo Mdn Plate ($30K - $5300) Soft5 Melea Castle (7) 56.5 Btg: $101 - 1 Astin Lane Cejay Graham 56; 3 Toro Strike J Byrne 58; 4 Lucky Man Emily Lang 56.5. (Settle 2 ; 400m 2) Eased near 400m..
6 of 7
Beaudesert 900m Barrier Trl Soft5 Stacey Callow (7) - 1 Scripted
2. Mishani Eclipse (6)
3g Sun City x Mishani Allure (Bradbury's Luck)
T: Donna Stanbridge
J: Adin Thompson 58.5
Career: 9: 1-0-1 $126,400
Winning Distances: 1110(1)
Track: 1: 0-0-0
Dist: 2: 1-0-1
Good: 5: 1-0-0
Soft: 4: 0-0-1
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 2: 1-0-0
Sire Wet: 13.6% (22)
Sire Dry: 12.5% (24)
Tnr 1 Yr: 12.8% (39)
Joc 1 Yr: 7.8% (321)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
5 of 5
Beaudesert 1050m Barrier Trl Soft5 Tom Orr (5) - 1 Albion Square
--- 99 days ---
5 of 14
Sunshine Coast 1400m 2yo Hcp ($50K - $1500) Soft7 S T Collett (12) 58 Btg: $101 ,$151 - 1 Brutal Bowler Craig Williams 57.5; 2 Wowzino Kyle Wilson-Taylor 59; 3 Italian Dancer R Dolan 58. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 7) Wide throughout..
8 of 11
Ipswich 1350m 2yo Open Hcp ($28K - $500) Good4 R Dolan (2) 59 Btg: $10 ,$9 ,$9.50 - 1 Walsh Bay Justin Huxtable 58; 2 Age Of Aquarius Jake Bayliss 59; 3 Stapleton Jag Guthmann-Chester 58. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 7) Eased near 100m..
14 of 15
Eagle Farm 1200m 2yo Open Hcp ($85K - $0) Soft6 S T Collett (7) 58.5 Btg: $31 ,$51 - 1 Gin A Tonic M Cahill 59; 2 Run Lucy Run Damien Thornton 56; 3 Jemoma Alpilage Taylor Marshall 55.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 6) Wide throughout.. Laid in in straight..
9 of 16
Gold Coast 1200m 2yo Plate ($500K - $6000) Good3 R Dolan (6) 57 Btg: $41 ,$31 - 1 Mishani Aloha S T Collett 55; 2 Superalloy Angela Jones 57; 3 Mishani Lily Damien Thornton 55. (Settle 13 ; 800m 13 ; 400m 14) Inconvenienced early on..
--- 105 days ---
3 of 5
Doomben 1110m 2yo Plate ($105K - $10500) Soft6 R Dolan (1) 57 Btg: $13 ,$12 - 1 Astapor Justin P Stanley 57; 2 Mishani Ego Ben Thompson 55; 4 Mishani Opal M R Du Plessis 57. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 4) Began awkwardly.. Laid out in straight..
4 of 8
Doomben 1200m 2yo Hcp ($85K - $4000) Soft6 R Dolan (7) 59 Btg: $8.50 ,$8 ,$10 - 1 Mishani Aloha Ben Thompson 56; 2 Head Honcho Martin Harley 59; 3 Mishani Suspect M R Du Plessis 58. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 7) Hampered at start..
1 of 10
Doomben 1110m 2yo Hcp ($125K - $72500) Good4 R Dolan (9) 54.5 Btg: $61 ,$51 - 2 Head Honcho Martin Harley 56; 3 Unega Wahy'A J Byrne 55.5; 4 Rockrata Cejay Graham 55. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 8) Raced Greenly..
7 of 9
Eagle Farm 1000m 2yo Hcp ($85K - $1000) Good4 Jake Bayliss (4) 55.5 Btg: $31 ,$18 ,$19 - 1 Mishani Suspect M R Du Plessis 54; 2 Mishani Rock Leslie Tilley 58; 3 Boomroux Justin Huxtable 56. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 5) Eased near 200m..
5 of 9
Toowoomba 1000m 2yo Plate ($85K - $2400) Good4 James Orman (7) 57 Btg: $8 ,$9.50 ,$9 - 1 Mishani Rock Leslie Tilley 57; 2 Mishani Ego Ben Thompson 55; 3 Mishani Fire Anthony Allen 55. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 5)
3 of 5
Beaudesert 1050m 2yo (Barrier Trial) Good4 Madeleine Wishart (5) - 1 Mishani Fire
3. Mishani Suspect (1)
3f Sun City x Maybe Even You (Jet Spur)
T: Donna Stanbridge
J: Danny Peisley 58
Career: 8: 1-0-2 $110,395
Winning Distances: 1000(1)
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 1: 0-0-0
Good: 5: 1-0-0
Soft: 2: 0-0-2
Heavy: 1: 0-0-0
1st-up: 3: 1-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 2: 0-0-1
Sire Wet: 13.6% (22)
Sire Dry: 12.5% (24)
Tnr 1 Yr: 12.8% (39)
Joc 1 Yr: 8.6% (280)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
6 of 8
Toowoomba 870m 3yo Hcp ($22.5K - $420) Good3 Olivia Kendal (3) 56.5 Btg: $14 ,$16 - 1 Joy A Plenty Ms G Cartwright 55; 2 Paleface Ringo M Hellyer 60; 3 Mishani Ego Madeleine Wishart 59. (Settle 7 ; 400m 7) Eased early stages.. Shifted in near 500m.. Rider told to use more care..
--- 101 days ---
3 of 6
Beaudesert 900m Barrier Trl Soft5 Tom Orr (1) - 1 Paleface Ringo
--- 89 days ---
3 of 11
Doomben 1200m 2yo Hcp ($38K - $3400) Soft5 Ms N Beriman (11) 56.5 Btg: $61 ,$71 - 1 Don't Forget Jack R Hutchings 58.5; 2 Appellant Craig Williams 57; 4 Apuntar Tahlia Fenlon 55.5. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 8) Shifted in at start..
--- 34 days ---
6 of 9
Sunshine Coast 1000m 2yo Open Hcp ($85K - $1000) Heavy8 V Duric (7) 57.5 Btg: $8 ,$13 - 1 Pareto Kyle Wilson-Taylor 57.5; 2 Aquaholic Bailey Wheeler 57.5; 3 Cryptostar James Orman 58.5. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 5) Wide throughout..
--- 33 days ---
8 of 9
Eagle Farm 1000m 2yo Open Hcp ($85K - $1000) Good4 S T Collett (2) 56.5 Btg: $31 ,$26 - 1 Zouna Adin Thompson 58; 2 Mishani Lily James Orman 58.5; 3 El Morzillo Cejay Graham 57.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 7)
12 of 16
Gold Coast 1200m 2yo Plate ($500K - $0) Good3 E Chaves (15) 55 Btg: $21 ,$20 - 1 Mishani Aloha S T Collett 55; 2 Superalloy Angela Jones 57; 3 Mishani Lily Damien Thornton 55. (Settle 14 ; 800m 14 ; 400m 15) Began awkwardly.. Laid in in straight..
--- 119 days ---
3 of 8
Doomben 1200m 2yo Hcp ($85K - $8400) Soft6 M R Du Plessis (1) 58 Btg: $3.50 ,$3.30 - 1 Mishani Aloha Ben Thompson 56; 2 Head Honcho Martin Harley 59; 4 Mishani Eclipse R Dolan 59. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 4) Overraced middle stages..
5 of 10
Doomben 1110m 2yo Hcp ($125K - $3125) Good4 M R Du Plessis (8) 56 Btg: $4.20 ,$5.50 - 1 Mishani Eclipse R Dolan 54.5; 2 Head Honcho Martin Harley 56; 3 Unega Wahy'A J Byrne 55.5. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 9)
1 of 9
Eagle Farm 1000m 2yo Hcp ($85K - $48800) Good4 M R Du Plessis (1) 54 Btg: $12 ,$16 - 2 Mishani Rock Leslie Tilley 58; 3 Boomroux Justin Huxtable 56; 4 Unega Wahy'A S Galloway 56. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 2) Raced greenly..
3 of 5
Beaudesert 900m 2yo (Barrier Trial) Good4 Jake Bayliss (3) - 1 Mishani Voltage
1 of 5
Deagon 650m 2yo (Barrier Trial) Soft6 James Orman (4) - 2 Mishani Style
4. Carravilla (8) (BLKS)
3f Pierata x Tinto Fino (Ocean Park)
T: Chris and Corey Munce
J: Samantha Collett 57.5
Career: 2: 1-0-0 $24,500
Winning Distances: 1110(1)
Inglis Classic Yearling Sale $130,000
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 1: 1-0-0
Good: 1: 1-0-0
Soft: 1: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 1: 1-0-0
2nd-up: 1: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 0: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 12% (50)
Sire Dry: 13.1% (61)
Tnr 1 Yr: 8.8% (91)
Joc 1 Yr: 7.7% (816)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 1-0-0
4 of 6
Deagon 1050m Barrier Trl Soft5 Martin Harley (6) - 1 Maple Magic
--- 122 days ---
10 of 10
Eagle Farm 1000m Dalrello Stakes LR ($160K - $2500) Soft5 Martin Harley (2) 55 Btg: $41 ,$21 - 1 Mishani Lily V Duric 55; 2 Embassy James Orman 57; 3 Zouna Adin Thompson 57. (Settle 9 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 10) Slowly away.. Inconvenienced Near 700m.. Became unbalanced..
1 of 9
Doomben 1110m 2yo Mdn Plate ($40K - $22000) Good4 S T Collett (3) 56 Btg: $14 ,$21 ,$19 - 2 Provance Ryan Maloney 58; 3 La Cometa J Byrne 56; 4 Tessatori Melea Castle 53. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 3) Began awkwardly..
4 of 7
Doomben 840m Barrier Trl Soft6 S T Collett (7) - 1 Viale
5. Joy A Plenty (7)
3f Heroic Valour x Sonador Angel (Captain Sonador)
T: Darryl Hansen
J: Georgina Cartwright 55.5
Career: 2: 1-0-0 $29,250
Winning Distances: 870(1)
MM Gold Coast Yearling Sale Book 2 $50,000
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 2: 1-0-0
Soft: 0: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 1-0-0
2nd-up: 0: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 0: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 8.3% (447)
Sire Dry: 9.8% (841)
Tnr 1 Yr: 12% (133)
Joc 1 Yr: 9.1% (629)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 1-0-0
1 of 8
Toowoomba 870m 3yo Hcp ($22.5K - $12500) Good3 Ms G Cartwright (2) 55 Btg: $17 ,$15 ,$18 - 2 Paleface Ringo M Hellyer 60; 3 Mishani Ego Madeleine Wishart 59; 4 State In Texas Anthony Allen 59. (Settle 6 ; 400m 6) Slowly away..
--- 294 days ---
10 of 10
Sunshine Coast 1000m 2yo Hcp ($85K - $1000) Good4 Luke Tarrant (10) 56.5 Btg: $15 ,$16 - 1 Poster Girl R Dolan 56.5; 2 Barbie's Sister Angela Jones 56.5; 3 Mishani Express Jake Bayliss 57. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 4) Wide throughout.. Eased near 100m.. Poor recovery..
1 of 4
Toowoomba Inner 650m 2yo (Barrier Trial) Good4 Luke Tarrant (4) - 2 Croatian Queen
6. He's A Weapon (2) (BLKS)
3c Love Conquers All x Sphene (Fasliyev)
T: Paul Butterworth
J: Rob Thorburn (a3) 55
Career: 5: 0-1-0 $10,335
MM Gold Coast March Yearling Sale $47,500
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 1: 0-0-0
Good: 2: 0-0-0
Soft: 2: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-1-0
3rd-up: 1: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 10.8% (2303)
Sire Dry: 10.8% (5311)
Tnr 1 Yr: 10.9% (165)
Joc 1 Yr: 8.3% (302)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 0-1-0
6 of 12
Beaudesert 1300m 3yo Mdn ($30K - $500) Soft6 Madeleine Wishart (4) 58.5 Btg: $7 ,$8.50 - 1 I'M Heroic Angela Jones 59; 2 Here's To Power M Hellyer 56.5; 3 Secret Caviar S Cormack 56. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 3)
2 of 8
Gold Coast Poly 1050m 3yo Mdn Plate ($28K - $4800) Synthetic0 Rob Thorburn (3) 55 Btg: $16 ,$9.50 ,$11 - 1 Ready To Schipp S Cormack 56; 3 Aima Sun N Tomizawa 56; 4 Nirvana The Storm Dan Mc Gillivray 56. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 2)
8 of 10
Sunshine Coast 1200m 3yo Mdn ($30K - $500) Soft5 Madeleine Wishart (8) 58.5 Btg: $31 ,$61 - 1 Hoffman James Orman 59.5; 2 King Spirit Bailey Wheeler 59.5; 3 Creativity Miss Cody Collis 56. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1)
--- 134 days ---
3 of 6
Gold Coast 850m Barrier Trl Soft6 Madeleine Wishart (6) - 1 Point Two
--- 115 days ---
5 of 7
Doomben 840m Barrier Trl Heavy8 Rob Thorburn (3) - 1 She Ours
--- 103 days ---
6 of 12
Toowoomba 1100m 2yo Mdn ($24.5K - $485) Good4 Madeleine Wishart (8) 59 Btg: $10 ,$21 - 1 Rocky Rich Alisha Donald 57; 2 Good Girl Polly K H Zechner 57; 3 Foolsay Ms G Cartwright 59. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 6) Began awkwardly.. Inconvenienced near 150m..
4 of 12
Warwick 800m 2yo Mdn Plate ($22K - $1050) Good4 Jai Williams (3) 58 Btg: $5 ,$8 - 1 I'M Zac Kirk Matheson 58; 2 Back Seat Cuddles Bailey Wheeler 58; 3 Rocky Blonde C Whiteley 56. (Settle 4 ; 400m 4) Began awkwardly..
5 of 6
Doomben 840m Barrier Trl Soft5 Ryan Maloney (6) - 1 Wayfarer's Way
4 of 4
Sunshine Coast Inner 850m 2yo (Barrier Trial) Good4 Jake Bayliss (1) - 1 Territory Ash
7. Sun Worshipper (5)
3f Sun City x Belief (Reset)
T: Matt Kropp
J: Melea Castle (a1.5) 55
Career: 4: 2-0-0 $51,800
Winning Distances: 1100(1) 1200(1)
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 2: 1-0-0
Good: 1: 0-0-0
Soft: 2: 2-0-0
Heavy: 1: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 1-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 1-0-0
3rd-up: 0: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 13.6% (22)
Sire Dry: 12.5% (24)
Tnr 1 Yr: 12.2% (296)
Joc 1 Yr: 5.3% (379)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 1-0-0
1 of 8
Rockhampton 1200m 3yo Hcp (C2) ($21K - $11600) Soft5 Melea Castle (5) 54 Btg: $12 ,$18 - 2 Ask Me Mate Justin P Stanley 60; 3 Electric Brae W G Satherley 56.5; 4 Rocky Blonde S T Collett 54. (Settle 2 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 2) Began awkwardly.. Laid in in straight..
4 of 6
Toowoomba 1100m 3yo (Bm60) ($22.5K - $900) Good4 Luke Tarrant (4) 55 Btg: $6 ,$11 ,$9 - 1 Reigning Alpha Chelsea Baker 57.5; 2 Mishani Storm Dylan Bennett 56.5; 3 Rocky Rich Leslie Tilley 59.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 6) Began awkwardly.. Laid in in straight..
--- 107 days ---
8 of 9
Sunshine Coast 1000m 2yo Open Hcp ($85K - $1000) Heavy8 Cejay Graham (3) 56 Btg: $8 ,$8.50 - 1 Pareto Kyle Wilson-Taylor 57.5; 2 Aquaholic Bailey Wheeler 57.5; 3 Cryptostar James Orman 58.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 7)
1 of 12
Rockhampton 1100m 2yo Mdn ($23K - $12800) Soft6 Olivia Kendal (2) 54 Btg: $5 ,$9 ,$5.50 - 2 Astra Star Justin Huxtable 59; 3 The Home Team Ashley Butler 59; 4 Good Girl Polly K H Zechner 58. (Settle 2 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 1) Began awkwardly..
2 of 5
Toowoomba Inner 650m Barrier Trl Good4 Alisha Donald (1) - 1 Reigning Alpha
8. Sugar Island (9)
3g Zousain x Nakedindaspa (Redoute's Choice)
T: Mitch Faulkner
J: Nathan Evans 54.5
Career: 2: 0-0-0 $2,000
MM Gold Coast Yearling Sale $170,000
Track: 1: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 1: 0-0-0
Soft: 1: 0-0-0
Heavy: 0: 0-0-0
1st-up: 2: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 0: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 0: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 11.2% (80)
Sire Dry: 25% (52)
Tnr 1 Yr: 0% (28)
Joc 1 Yr: 9.5% (42)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 0-0-0
7 of 7
Coffs Harbour 1200m Super Mdn Plate ($50K - $1500) Good4 D Mc Lellan (2) 56.5 Btg: $12 ,$17 ,$10 - 1 Pony Soprano L P Rolls 56.5; 2 Saraya A Gibbons 55; 3 Dipierdomenico Ms C Williams 57. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 6) Keen..
--- 127 days ---
1 of 5
Toowoomba Inner 925m Barrier Trl Good4 P Hamblin (1) - 2 Wantsomemoreofit
--- 116 days ---
8 of 8
Ipswich 800m 2yo Mdn Plate ($30K - $500) Soft5 Nathan Evans (8) 58 Btg: $17 ,$21 ,$12 - 1 Zatanna Emily Lang 54.5; 2 Invading Jilly Dale Smith 58; 3 Aratiri Ms R Jamieson 56. (Settle 8 ; 400m 8) Slowly away..
9. Black Assassin (4)
3g Pariah x Indibelle (Lonhro)
T: Paula Campbell
J: Cejay Graham 54
Career: 7: 0-0-0 $6,045
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 4: 0-0-0
Soft: 2: 0-0-0
Heavy: 1: 0-0-0
1st-up: 1: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 1: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 1: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 9.8% (666)
Sire Dry: 10% (987)
Tnr 1 Yr: 0% (25)
Joc 1 Yr: 9.1% (776)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 0-0-0
6 of 8
Gold Coast 1000m Barrier Trl Soft7 Yvette Lewis (5) - 1 Wheeper
--- 38 days ---
7 of 9
Toowoomba 1300m 3yo Mdn ($24.5K - $485) Good4 Anthony Allen (5) 57 Btg: $4.40 ,$3.90 - 1 Zephyrz Zoom W D'Avila 55.5; 2 Just Cliffy Luke Tarrant 60; 3 Trusty Bandit Madeleine Wishart 59. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 4) Inconvenienced at start.. Inconvenienced near 300m.. Vetted - no abnormalities..
9 of 12
Eagle Farm 1200m 2yo Open Hcp ($85K - $1000) Good4 Cejay Graham (10) 54 Btg: $81 ,$101 - 1 Astapor Justin P Stanley 60; 2 Star Ambition James Orman 57; 3 Surprise Honey Angela Jones 55. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 9)
4 of 10
Grafton 1020m 2yo Mdn Plate ($27K - $1300) Heavy8 P Hammersley (1) 57 Btg: $21 ,$13 - 1 Aquafire Cejay Graham 57; 2 Ferinzo B Looker 57; 3 Jumbled Jace McMurray 55. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 7) Slowly away..
--- 81 days ---
3 of 5
Gold Coast 850m Barrier Trl Soft5 P Hammersley (1) - 1 Forcefilly
--- 62 days ---
6 of 8
Doomben 1350m 2yo Open Hcp ($38K - $760) Good4 S T Collett (1) 55 Btg: $21 ,$26 - 1 Italian Riviera M Rodd 59; 2 Age Of Aquarius Jake Bayliss 57.5; 3 Wayfarer's Way V Duric 56. (Settle 8 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 3) Slowly away.. Overraced near 1000m.. Wide during race..
10 of 15
Eagle Farm 1200m 2yo Open Hcp ($85K - $1000) Soft6 Anthony Allen (2) 56 Btg: $91 ,$201 - 1 Gin A Tonic M Cahill 59; 2 Run Lucy Run Damien Thornton 56; 3 Jemoma Alpilage Taylor Marshall 55.5. (Settle 14 ; 800m 14 ; 400m 13)
8 of 10
Grafton 1000m 2yo Mdn Plate ($27K - $500) Soft6 Matthew Palmer (3) 57 Btg: $21 ,$31 - 1 Head Case A Mallyon 57; 2 Will It Snow M Cahill 57; 3 Flame Tree Star J Grisedale 55. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 9) Slowly away..
--- 43 days ---
7 of 9
Eagle Farm 1200m 2yo Hcp ($85K - $1000) Good4 M R Du Plessis (2) 59 Btg: $19 ,$21 ,$16 - 1 Dashing Dragon Ryan Maloney 59; 2 Mishani Crown S T Collett 58.5; 3 Enterprise Defence Jasper Franklin 56. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 5) Fractious in barriers.. Began awkwardly.. Hampered early on..
1 of 4
Beaudesert 900m 2yo (Barrier Trial) Soft5 Jasper Franklin (2) - 2 Cabo Casanova