Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Thursday July 25
Horse (Dam)
3f Equipage (Accoutrements)
2c Polyglot (Wordcraft)
3f Waamil (El Daana)
2f Social Climber (Hang Seng)
4g Swazi (Granadilla)
4m Helen's Dream (Clarendon House)
4m Covert Rose (Antique Rose)
3f Keyboard (Just Destiny)
4g Jiddo (Princess Yarra)
3f Hussy Empress (Empress Consort)
3g Flood And Fire (Curraghmore Girl)
3g Dirt Cheap (Blood Moon)
4g Bonnie Lad (Not So Pretty)
3g Lone Force (Russian Classic)
3f Superior Zara (Princess Zariel)
3g Able Red (Miss Marielle)
2c Zousain Bolt (Xaarfoxylady)