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Race 5 - CR Grace Ltd / Waterforce (Bm75) - 1340m
Benchmark 75 Handicap. Apprentices Can Claim. f $40,000 1st $23,000, 2nd $7,400, 3rd $3,600, 4th $2,000, 5th $1,000, 6th $600, 7th $600, 8th $600, 9th $600, 10th $600
1. Street Gossip (2)
5m So You Think x Wahng Wah (Casino Prince)
T: Allan Sharrock
J: 60.5
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 1: 0-0-0
Good: 9: 1-0-1
Soft: 6: 2-0-2
Heavy: 1: 1-0-0
1st-up: 5: 2-0-1
2nd-up: 4: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 3: 0-0-1
Sire Wet: 13.6% (5146)
Sire Dry: 11.9% (8087)
Tnr 1 Yr: 20.4% (216)
Joc 1 Yr: NaN% (0)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
2. Hacksaw Ridge (NZ) (7)
7g Power x Tintintinette (Montjeu)
T: J J Rayner
J: Johnathan Parkes 58.5
Career: 27: 3-5-2 $43,355
Winning Distances: 1400(2) 1600(1)
Track: 5: 0-1-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 0: 0-0-0
Soft: 8: 0-1-1
Heavy: 19: 3-4-1
1st-up: 4: 0-0-1
2nd-up: 4: 1-1-1
3rd-up: 4: 1-0-0
Sire Wet: 9.7% (2515)
Sire Dry: 10% (2182)
Tnr 1 Yr: 6.7% (75)
Joc 1 Yr: 16.4% (177)
Horse/Jockey: 2: 0-2-0
5 of 13
Wanganui 1600m (Bm75) ($40K - $1000) Heavy10 C J Grylls (13) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$9.10 - 1 Drop Of Something J Nishizuka 54; 2 Harmonious L Sutherland 55; 3 Kattegat Rihaan Goyaram 50. (Settle 6 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 1) Slowly away..
5 of 10
Riccarton Park 1600m (Bm75) ($35K - $875) Heavy10 L Callaway (7) 59 Btg: $ ,$13.80 - 1 Riviera Rebel Y Atchamah 54.5; 2 Powerful Moss K Bakker 53; 3 Zacat Donovan Cooper 53. (Settle 8 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 6) Slowly away..
18 of 18
Riccarton Park 1600m 127th Winter Cup G3 ($110K - $0) Heavy10 L Kalychurun (20) 53 Btg: $ ,$78.60 - 1 Jay Bee Gee K A Myers 53; 2 Freeze Frame W B Kennedy 53; 3 Bradman C J Grylls 56.5. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 13) Slowly away..
5 of 6
Trentham 1600m Open Hcp ($40K - $1000) Heavy10 L J Allpress (5) 54 Btg: $ ,$2.50 - 1 Espresso To Go K L Chung 51; 2 Verry Flash Rihaan Goyaram 56; 3 Blackwood Star Elle Sole 52. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 3) Keen..
2 of 7
Hastings 1600m Hcp (84) ($55K - $10175) Heavy10 C Dell (1) 54.5 Btg: $ ,$5.50 - 1 Tobias Elle Sole 50; 3 Chase K R Hercock 60; 4 Sacred Pearl K Chowdhoory 55.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 2)
11 of 12
Trentham 1600m (Bm75) ($35K - $0) Heavy10 Ashvin Mudhoo (6) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$6.50 - 1 Pinkerton L J Allpress 59; 2 Jestin Case C Dell 54.5; 3 Belladonna Lily L Sutherland 53. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 4) Keen..
5 of 11
Wanganui 1600m Agc Training LR ($80K - $2000) Heavy10 K Asano (7) 59 Btg: $ ,$30.80 - 1 Belardo Boy Joe Doyle 59; 2 Bradman W B Kennedy 59; 3 Justaskme J K Riddell 59. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 9) Crowded near 300m..
13 of 13
Trentham 1600m Rangitikei Cup LR ($80K - $0) Soft7 K L Chung (8) 53 Btg: $ ,$45.90 - 1 Islington Lass M J McNab 53; 2 Lincoln Falls A Lawson-Carroll 53; 3 Sumi C Dell 53. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 13) Began awkwardly..
8 of 12
Woodville 1400m (Bm75) ($25K - $375) Soft6 L J Allpress (11) 60 Btg: $ ,$17.60 - 1 Meglio Di Falcrest K A Myers 57; 2 Belladonna Lily C R Barnes 54; 3 Duneagle C Dell 58.5. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 10) Slowly away..
--- 211 days ---
2 of 6
Woodville 1600m (Bm75) ($18.5K - $3330) Soft6 J Parkes (3) 60 Btg: $ ,$1.90 - 1 So Call Me L Sutherland 54.5; 3 The True Believer C Dell 56; 4 Textbook L T Hemi 56.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 2) Slowly away..
3. Frank The Tank (NZ) (14)
5g Burgundy x I'm Chunkys (Shinko King)
T: Bill Thurlow
J: Kelly Myers 58
Career: 10: 3-1-0 $68,875
Winning Distances: 1400(1) 1600(2)
Track: 1: 1-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 4: 1-0-0
Soft: 4: 1-1-0
Heavy: 2: 1-0-0
1st-up: 1: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 1: 0-1-0
3rd-up: 1: 1-0-0
Sire Wet: 8.8% (2168)
Sire Dry: 8.6% (1634)
Tnr 1 Yr: 13.5% (126)
Joc 1 Yr: NaN% (0)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
9 of 14
Trentham 1600m (Bm75) ($65K - $975) Soft5 R T Elliot (16) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$10.60 - 1 Enrico S R Weatherley 56.5; 2 Final Return C Dell 57.5; 3 Channel Surfer W B Kennedy 58.5. (Settle 14 ; 800m 14 ; 400m 12) Taken back from wide barrier..
--- 38 days ---
5 of 11
Hastings 1600m (Bm75) ($40K - $1000) Good3 C J Grylls (10) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$5.70 - 1 Dimaggio L Sutherland 55.5; 2 Extortion M Cameron 55; 3 Sassy Merlot J J Fawcett 57.5. (Settle 11 ; 800m 11 ; 400m 10) Slowly away.. Taken back from wide barrier..
1 of 11
Wanganui 1600m (Bm75) ($40K - $23000) Good4 C J Grylls (5) 56 Btg: $ ,$18.20 - 2 Orlov Joe Doyle 58.5; 3 Loch In Ora K Asano 55; 4 Bozo L Sutherland 53.5. (Settle 10 ; 400m 11) Slowly away..
8 of 11
Trentham 1400m (Bm75) ($65K - $975) Good3 L J Allpress (5) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$8.30 - 1 Tanzanite Rose C H Butler 54.5; 2 Pitkin County M J McNab 56; 3 No Agenda Nigel K A Myers 54. (Settle 4 ; 400m 4)
5 of 11
Otaki 1400m (Bm75) ($40K - $1000) Soft6 B E Grylls (10) 57.5 Btg: $ ,$5.90 - 1 Massive Prince K L Chung 55; 2 Meglio Di Falcrest R J Hurdle 59; 3 Bee Enchanted K R Hercock 57.5. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 5)
--- 66 days ---
1 of 16
Trentham 1600m (Bm65) ($40K - $23000) Soft6 N S Parmar (12) 58 Btg: $ ,$7.50 - 2 Comedy J K Riddell 59; 3 Lady Performer L T Hemi 56.5; 4 Perfect Test C R Barnes 56. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1)
5 of 10
Waverley 1400m (Bm65) ($18.5K - $370) Good3 Joe Doyle (6) 59 Btg: $ ,$3.30 - 1 Metaverse L J Allpress 57; 2 Doubtful Sound C Dell 58; 3 Boston Strong Boy L Douglas 57. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 4) Overraced early stages..
1 of 14
Awapuni 1400m 3yo+ Mdn ($25K - $14375) Heavy10 M J Mc Nab (7) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$3 - 2 Our Sassie Anne K Asano 56.5; 3 Pegau Joe Doyle 56.5; 4 Call A Friend L Sutherland 52. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 6) Crowded early on.. Held up on straightening.. Inconvenienced in straight..
2 of 8
Waverley 1400m 3yo+ Mdn ($18.5K - $3330) Soft5 J Parkes (7) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$2.40 - 1 Metaverse K R Hercock 56.5; 3 Just A Nudge M Singh 56.5; 4 Faustian Bargain K Asano 56.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 4)
4 of 12
Waverley 1200m 3yo+ Mdn ($17K - $850) Heavy8 J Parkes (7) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$3.80 - 1 Supercell J K Riddell 58.5; 2 Bow Street K L Chung 53.5; 3 Our Sassie Anne E H Nicholas 54.5. (Settle 5 ; 400m 5) Crowded at start..
4. Badgeringdawitness (NZ) (12)
7g Reliable Man x Ebony And Ivory (Zabeel)
T: Peter Lock
J: Elle Sole (a3) 57
Career: 28: 3-4-3 $77,945
Winning Distances: 1400(3)
Track: 2: 0-0-1
Dist: 3: 0-0-0
Good: 5: 0-1-1
Soft: 10: 0-1-2
Heavy: 12: 3-2-0
1st-up: 6: 1-1-0
2nd-up: 4: 1-0-0
3rd-up: 3: 1-1-0
Sire Wet: 9.9% (3722)
Sire Dry: 9.4% (3743)
Tnr 1 Yr: 4.8% (83)
Joc 1 Yr: 10.3% (97)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 1-0-0
1 of 7
Hawera 1400m (Bm75) ($18.5K - $10360) Heavy8 Elle Sole (7) 51 Btg: $ ,$5.40 - 2 Lady Moana L T Hemi 54; 3 Half Of Nothing M J Sanson 51.5; 4 Puke Park C H Butler 55.5. (Settle 2 ; 400m 2)
--- 85 days ---
4 of 14
Wanganui 1340m (Bm65) ($35K - $1750) Heavy10 Tayla Mitchell (15) 59 Btg: $ ,$4.70 - 1 The Finnster A Lawson-Carroll 55.5; 2 Bikindy M Singh 54.5; 3 Sister Jane Liam Kauri 52.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 4)
--- 152 days ---
3 of 8
Pukekohe Park 1400m (Bm75) ($80K - $7200) Soft7 V A Colgan (3) 55 Btg: $ ,$19.80 - 1 Churchillian T C Moodley 56.5; 2 Sir Sterling Joe Doyle 59; 4 Navigator R T Elliot 57. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 5)
9 of 14
Pukekohe Park 1500m Spec Cond ($110K - $1650) Soft5 N S Parmar (10) 55 Btg: $ ,$36.10 - 1 Snazzytavi V A Colgan 54.5; 2 Rudyard S R Weatherley 57.5; 3 Sindacato O P Bosson 59.5. (Settle 6 ; 400m 1)
12 of 13
Pukekohe Park 1400m (Bm75) ($55K - $0) Good4 Jessica Allen (9) 53.5 Btg: $ ,$31.10 - 1 Flamebird C J Grylls 57; 2 Arby S R Weatherley 60; 3 Adam I Am J J Fawcett 57. (Settle 8 ; 400m 2) Overraced early stages.. Raced three wide..
2 of 9
New Plymouth Raceway 1400m (Bm75) ($25K - $4625) Good3 L J Allpress (6) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$12.30 - 1 Islington Lass M J McNab 56; 3 Side By Side R T Elliot 57.5; 4 Beaudz Well C H Butler 56. (Settle 1 ; 400m 1)
--- 37 days ---
5 of 11
Tauranga 2100m (Bm75) ($18.5K - $370) Soft6 W B Kennedy (4) 58 Btg: $ ,$8.10 - 1 Above The Clouds K Asano 57; 2 Fly My Wey T C Moodley 55; 3 Khan Hunter M J Sanson 55.5. (Settle 4 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 3)
5 of 8
Hastings 1600m (Bm75) ($65K - $1625) Heavy9 K L Chung (2) 53.5 Btg: $ ,$10.10 - 1 Diss Is Dramatic Joe Doyle 57; 2 Hooter K Asano 54.5; 3 Sweetjineen W B Kennedy 57. (Settle 6 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 6) Overraced middle stages.. Held up on straightening..
2 of 9
New Plymouth Raceway 1600m (Bm75) ($40K - $7400) Heavy10 L Douglas (2) 55 Btg: $ ,$13.20 - 1 Ideal C J Grylls 56.5; 3 Hooter Toni Davies 50.5; 4 Battle Secret Joe Doyle 57.5. (Settle 2 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 7) Eased early stages..
9 of 14
New Plymouth Raceway 1600m (Bm82) ($80K - $1600) Heavy10 C R Barnes (10) 54 Btg: $ ,$28.20 - 1 Shelbyrock'N B E Grylls 54; 2 Hacksaw Ridge C J Grylls 56; 3 Soldier Boy K R Hercock 60.5. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 9)
5. Magawa (NZ) (6)
6g Burgundy x One Perfect Day (Fusaichi Pegasus)
T: Matthew Dixon
J: K R Hercock 56
Career: 13: 2-3-0 $60,185
Winning Distances: 1200(2)
Track: 1: 1-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 3: 0-1-0
Soft: 5: 0-0-0
Heavy: 5: 2-2-0
1st-up: 5: 1-1-0
2nd-up: 3: 1-1-0
3rd-up: 3: 0-1-0
Sire Wet: 8.8% (2168)
Sire Dry: 8.6% (1634)
Tnr 1 Yr: 6.8% (44)
Joc 1 Yr: 8.7% (551)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
1 of 12
Wanganui 1200m (Bm65) ($40K - $23000) Heavy10 J K Riddell (5) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$9.30 - 2 Sevenayes M Hashizume 58.5; 3 Trainwreck C J Grylls 58.5; 4 Our Sassie Anne L Sutherland 56. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 5)
--- 266 days ---
9 of 12
Pukekohe Park 1200m (Bm65) ($55K - $825) Good4 N S Parmar (7) 58 Btg: $ ,$5.10 - 1 Dame Lilibic S R Weatherley 56.5; 2 Wild West R T Elliot 59.5; 3 Swerve J Kamaruddin 58.5. (Settle 8 ; 400m 8) Blundered at start.. Lost a plate..
2 of 10
Tauranga 1200m (Bm65) ($40K - $7400) Heavy9 S C Spratt (1) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$3.50 - 1 Don't Look Ethel Jessica Allen 52; 3 Suzuka M J Sanson 56; 4 Golden Hue B D Rogerson 55.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 4)
4 of 9
Tauranga 1200m (Bm65) ($40K - $2000) Soft7 J J Fawcett (9) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$3.30 - 1 Kiva Han S C Spratt 57.5; 2 Pizzazz V A Colgan 56; 3 Aequus M J Mc Nab 57. (Settle 7 ; 400m 6) Inconvenienced near 800m..
--- 36 days ---
8 of 13
Te Rapa 1200m (Bm65) ($40K - $600) Heavy8 W B Kennedy (2) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$6.40 - 1 Sir Sterling Joe Doyle 59; 2 Cindy Falls J Kamaruddin 56.5; 3 Kaidu's Pride E H Nicholas 54.5. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 4) Eased near 600m.. Stewards queried run..
--- 271 days ---
10 of 14
Te Rapa 1200m (Bm65) ($65K - $975) Good3 K Asano (5) 59 Btg: $ ,$18.70 - 1 Bea A Roca T D Thornton 57; 2 Highlighter Joe Doyle 56.5; 3 Amoramio C E Lammas 57. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 10)
11 of 12
Pukekohe Park 1200m (Bm65) ($45K - $0) Soft5 K Asano (2) 59.5 Btg: $ ,$5.20 - 1 Savonoski K L Hannan 57; 2 Laneway Flirting Tayla Mitchell 54.5; 3 Candycane J J Fawcett 56.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 6) Clipped heels.. Blundered near 800m.. Lost a plate..
2 of 12
Pukekohe Park 1200m (Bm65) ($65K - $12025) Heavy10 K Asano (5) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$5.50 - 1 Tu Meke Potae A Lawson-Carroll 56; 3 Gwen's Daughter A C Goindasamy 56.5; 4 Wild West C E Lammas 60. (Settle 2 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 7)
4 of 10
Pukekohe Park 1200m (Bm65) ($65K - $3250) Soft5 K Asano (8) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$13.70 - 1 Not Guilty V A Colgan 58; 2 Mr Jay Eight A Lawson-Carroll 59.5; 3 Wild West W F Pinn 59. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 9)
--- 157 days ---
10 of 12
Pukekohe Park 1400m 3yo Swp ($30K - $450) Slow7 K L Chung (5) 53.5 Btg: $ ,$7.30 - 1 Rekindled Express A Lawson-Carroll 54.5; 2 Reverberations M Hashizume 56.5; 3 Euro Rocks R T Elliot 57.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 2) Raced three wide.. Vetted - no abnormalities..
--- 33 days ---
6. Shelbyrock'n (NZ) (11)
7m Rock 'n' Pop x Joy (Pins)
T: Shane Brown
J: Toni Davies (a3) 55.5
Career: 21: 4-2-2 $94,290
Winning Distances: 1200(2) 1400(1) 1600(1)
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 1: 0-0-0
Good: 0: 0-0-0
Soft: 4: 1-1-0
Heavy: 17: 3-1-2
1st-up: 4: 1-0-1
2nd-up: 4: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 4: 2-0-1
Sire Wet: 9.5% (1427)
Sire Dry: 8.7% (1371)
Tnr 1 Yr: 3.8% (78)
Joc 1 Yr: NaN% (0)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
7 of 13
New Plymouth Raceway 1600m (Bm75) ($80K - $1200) Heavy10 Toni Davies (9) 53.5 Btg: $ ,$24.70 - 1 Tobias Elle Sole 57; 2 Ghazzah Liam Kauri 56; 3 Who Knows L Sutherland 54. (Settle 2 ; 400m 5)
8 of 9
Hawera 1900m Open Hcp ($40K - $600) Heavy10 K R Hercock (5) 56 Btg: $ ,$14.30 - 1 Crouch K Chowdhoory 54.5; 2 Urenui Elle Sole 52; 3 Soldier Boy Joe Doyle 59. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 5) Overraced early, middle stages..
6 of 7
Hastings 1400m Open Hcp ($40K - $600) Heavy8 L J Allpress (4) 54 Btg: $ ,$13.80 - 1 Wessex Rihaan Goyaram 50; 2 Dusty Road K R Hercock 55; 3 Cleese K L Chung 51. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 6)
13 of 14
Tauranga 1400m Tauranga Classic LR ($80K - $0) Heavy8 B E Grylls (12) 57 Btg: $ ,$71.70 - 1 Casino Princess J J Fawcett 57; 2 Malt Time A Lawson-Carroll 57; 3 Wessex K Asano 57. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 8)
10 of 10
Trentham 1200m (Bm75) ($50K - $750) Heavy10 B E Grylls (5) 59 Btg: $ ,$11 - 1 Spencer L J Allpress 56; 2 Super Wraith Tayla Mitchell 55; 3 Prioress C Dell 56. (Settle 2 ; 400m 2)
--- 245 days ---
5 of 16
Awapuni 1600m Metric Mile G3 ($100K - $2500) Heavy10 B E Grylls (9) 53 Btg: $ ,$34.50 - 1 Belardo Boy Joe Doyle 54.5; 2 Ladies Man M J McNab 54; 3 Justaskme J Parkes 60.5. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 1) Began awkwardly..
--- 35 days ---
1 of 14
New Plymouth Raceway 1600m (Bm82) ($80K - $40000) Heavy10 B E Grylls (3) 54 Btg: $ ,$19.50 - 2 Hacksaw Ridge C J Grylls 56; 3 Soldier Boy K R Hercock 60.5; 4 Blackwood Star K L Chung 51. (Settle 2 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 3)
2 of 8
Otaki 1400m (Bm75) ($30K - $5550) Heavy10 B E Grylls (5) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$6.70 - 1 Aqua Man L Sutherland 52.5; 3 Wheelitin M K Hudson 55.5; 4 Strides K L Chung 54. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1)
3 of 12
Hastings 1400m Tauranga Classic LR ($65K - $5850) Heavy10 B E Grylls (1) 57 Btg: $ ,$34.20 - 1 Flower Of Wanaka L Sutherland 57; 2 Secret Amour C J Grylls 57; 4 Wessex C R Barnes 56. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 2)
7 of 10
Awapuni 1300m (Bm75) ($30K - $450) Heavy8 K R Hercock (3) 55 Btg: $ ,$6.60 - 1 Stallone L Douglas 54.5; 2 Bradman K L Chung 57.5; 3 Prioress M Singh 55.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 4) Began awkwardly..
7. Did The Trick (NZ) (8)
4h Iffraaj x Nailed It (Don Eduardo)
T: Wayne Hillis
J: Joe Nishizuka (a4) 55.5
Career: 9: 2-1-0 $42,980
Winning Distances: 1300(1) 1400(1)
Track: 0: 0-0-0
Dist: 1: 1-0-0
Good: 0: 0-0-0
Soft: 2: 0-0-0
Heavy: 7: 2-1-0
1st-up: 2: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 1: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 1: 1-0-0
Sire Wet: 10.7% (6585)
Sire Dry: 10.6% (5889)
Tnr 1 Yr: 7.6% (131)
Joc 1 Yr: 6.9% (102)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
6 of 8
Te Rapa 1400m (Bm75) ($40K - $600) Heavy10 Matthew Cartwright (5) 56 Btg: $ ,$19.30 - 1 Lux Libertas W B Kennedy 56.5; 2 Midnight Scandal S C Spratt 57.5; 3 Belles Beau C J Grylls 56. (Settle 2 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 2)
11 of 13
Te Rapa 1500m (Bm75) ($40K - $0) Heavy9 S C Spratt (3) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$5.90 - 1 Sporting Chance O P Bosson 59; 2 Mister Roquette C H Butler 54; 3 Itza Charmdeel T C Moodley 58. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1)
6 of 9
Te Rapa 1400m (Bm75) ($35K - $525) Heavy10 C J Grylls (9) 57 Btg: $ ,$4.30 - 1 Midnight Scandal S C Spratt 55; 2 Itza Charmdeel S R Weatherley 59; 3 Sterling Express W B Kennedy 58.5. (Settle 2 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 4)
2 of 11
Te Rapa 1400m 3yo Swp ($50K - $9250) Heavy10 S R Weatherley (11) 58 Btg: $ ,$4.40 - 1 Sterling Express W B Kennedy 58; 3 Dior Sauvage J J Fawcett 56; 4 Rareza N S Parmar 54. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 1) Raced three wide..
--- 35 days ---
1 of 7
Tauranga 1300m 3yo Swp ($35K - $20125) Heavy8 S C Spratt (3) 57 Btg: $ ,$8.20 - 2 Cornelia J J Fawcett 55; 3 Hanalei Star B D Rogerson 53; 4 Swycho L Sutherland 53. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1)
--- 31 days ---
1 of 11
Taupo 1400m 3yo+ Mdn ($20K - $11200) Heavy8 S C Spratt (7) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$6.50 - 2 Mapalicious M Cameron 56.5; 3 Baxter Ngakau Hailey 55.5; 4 Monkhana C R Barnes 56.5. (Settle 1 ; 400m 1)
7 of 10
Matamata 1200m 3yo Mdn ($17K - $340) Soft7 S C Spratt (1) 57.5 Btg: $ ,$12.10 - 1 Legacy Impact V A Colgan 57.5; 2 Bella Voce W F Pinn 55.5; 3 Sumaje Joe Doyle 55.5. (Settle 2 ; 400m 5)
6 of 12
Arawa Park 1230m 3yo+ Mdn ($17K - $340) Soft7 S C Spratt (9) 58 Btg: $ ,$10.70 - 1 Whiskey N' Rye U A Holmquist 58; 2 Legacy Impact V A Colgan 58; 3 Mapalicious M Cameron 56.5. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 6) Held up on straightening.. Held up in straight..
--- 165 days ---
6 of 7
Tauranga 1200m 3yo Swp ($40K - $600) Heavy8 S C Spratt (5) 56 Btg: $ ,$19 - 1 Oneira M Cameron 55; 2 Charmer C R Barnes 54; 3 Sasperella V A Colgan 54. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 3) Raced three wide.. Laid out on straightening..
8. Papa Surf (NZ) (4)
5g Dalghar x Surf Patrol (Towkay)
T: Mike Breslin
J: Joe Doyle 55.5
Career: 22: 3-3-3 $39,495
Winning Distances: 1200(2) 1300(1)
Track: 4: 1-1-0
Dist: 2: 1-0-0
Good: 4: 0-0-1
Soft: 6: 1-2-2
Heavy: 9: 2-0-0
1st-up: 3: 1-0-1
2nd-up: 3: 1-1-0
3rd-up: 3: 0-0-1
Sire Wet: 8% (1805)
Sire Dry: 8.8% (1267)
Tnr 1 Yr: 9.7% (155)
Joc 1 Yr: NaN% (0)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
15 of 16
Hastings 1200m (Bm75) ($65K - $0) Good4 Matthew Cartwright (16) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$41.70 - 1 Navigator R T Elliot 58.5; 2 Acquarello V A Colgan 54.5; 3 Merchant Queen C J Grylls 56. (Settle 13 ; 800m 13 ; 400m 13) Stewards queried run.. Rider concerned with action.. Vetted - no abnormalities..
--- 34 days ---
2 of 6
Hawera 1200m (Bm75) ($17K - $3060) Soft7 K L Chung (4) 54.5 Btg: $ ,$9.50 - 1 Street Gossip L J Allpress 59; 3 Amosia L Sutherland 53; 4 Iconic Lass C H Butler 53. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1) Crowded at start.. Laid out concluding stages..
--- 57 days ---
8 of 9
Otaki 1200m (Bm75) ($35K - $525) Soft6 K L Chung (3) 53.5 Btg: $ ,$7.20 - 1 Spencer L J Allpress 58.5; 2 Amend Ayush Mudhoo 56; 3 Kana K Chowdhoory 56.5. (Settle 5 ; 400m 5)
6 of 10
Trentham 1200m (Bm75) ($50K - $750) Heavy10 K L Chung (8) 54 Btg: $ ,$5.60 - 1 Spencer L J Allpress 56; 2 Super Wraith Tayla Mitchell 55; 3 Prioress C Dell 56. (Settle 1 ; 400m 1)
3 of 10
New Plymouth Raceway 1200m (Bm75) ($35K - $3150) Soft6 K L Chung (1) 53.5 Btg: $ ,$4.60 - 1 Amend J Mudhoo 55; 2 Half Of Nothing B E Grylls 54.5; 4 Kakadu L J Allpress 56.5. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 1)
4 of 10
Wanganui 1200m (Bm75) ($35K - $1750) Heavy8 Toni Davies (14) 54 Btg: $ ,$7.20 - 1 Caitlyns Wish M J Sanson 54.5; 2 Belle's Echo A Lawson-Carroll 54; 3 Amend L Sutherland 57. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 3) Raced three wide..
--- 35 days ---
1 of 10
Tauranga 1200m (Bm65) ($40K - $23000) Heavy10 K L Chung (8) 56 Btg: $ ,$10.60 - 2 Rayet C R Barnes 57.5; 3 Vallarta M Hashizume 56; 4 Oh No No No C J Grylls 56. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 5) Keen..
--- 163 days ---
7 of 8
Waverley 1200m (Bm65) ($18.5K - $370) Good3 K L Chung (1) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$4.90 - 1 Scelta Di Elena M Singh 57; 2 Za Spirit Joe Doyle 56.5; 3 The Witch C H Butler 52.5. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 4) Slowly away.. Raced below expectations..
3 of 13
Awapuni 1100m (Bm65) ($40K - $3600) Soft7 K L Chung (2) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$5.30 - 1 Idyllic L J Allpress 57; 2 Strides M J McNab 60; 4 Eparaima J Parkes 57. (Settle 2 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 2)
1 of 14
Wanganui 1200m (Bm65) ($40K - $23000) Soft6 C J Grylls (1) 57.5 Btg: $ ,$6.70 - 2 Spencer K L Chung 56; 3 Andit Hurts M K Hudson 54.5; 4 Thatz Daisy A Lawson-Carroll 51. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 2)
9. Yellow Jersey (NZ) (9)
6g Zacinto x Muffin Coup (Elusive City)
T: J L Rathbone
J: Leah Hemi 55.5
Career: 23: 3-3-2 $80,200
Winning Distances: 1300(1) 1400(1) 1600(1)
Track: 3: 0-1-1
Dist: 1: 1-0-0
Good: 10: 1-2-0
Soft: 7: 0-1-2
Heavy: 3: 0-0-0
1st-up: 6: 2-1-0
2nd-up: 6: 1-1-0
3rd-up: 5: 0-1-1
Sire Wet: 9.8% (2133)
Sire Dry: 10.3% (2011)
Tnr 1 Yr: 9.2% (76)
Joc 1 Yr: 6.7% (436)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
7 of 15
Riccarton Park 1400m (Bm65) ($35K - $525) Heavy10 B M Murray (1) 60.5 Btg: $ ,$6.80 - 1 Victorian Charm Denby-Rose Tait 57.5; 2 Iffin Doubt Dance S L Wynne 57; 3 Bella Rose K Bakker 52. (Settle 12 ; 800m 12 ; 400m 10)
1 of 12
Riccarton Park Synthetic 1600m (Bm65) ($35K - $20125) Synthetic0 L Sutherland (3) 57.5 Btg: $ ,$7.40 - 2 Sprocket Rocket Roopesh Jaun 53.5; 3 Imabuster Joe Doyle 58.5; 4 Anneliese W B Kennedy 57. (Settle 2 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 3)
--- 124 days ---
3 of 11
Wanganui 1600m Jumpers Hwt ($18.5K - $1665) Soft5 M R Cropp (11) 66 Btg: $ ,$3 - 1 Invisible Spirit S H Fannin 66; 2 Kid Warrior C J Wiles 67; 4 Verry Flash D M Parker 70. (Settle 2 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 3)
5 of 8
Trentham 1600m (Bm65) ($40K - $1000) Good3 L Sutherland (1) 57.5 Btg: $ ,$15.70 - 1 Mahoe A Comignaghi 58; 2 Cheval De Foudre A C Goindasamy 59; 3 Tavi Ann K R Hercock 56.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 3)
5 of 9
New Plymouth Raceway 1800m (Bm65) ($25K - $625) Good4 W B Kennedy (3) 59 Btg: $ ,$6.50 - 1 Titled C J Grylls 60; 2 Complicate Tayla Mitchell 54; 3 Fourty Eight C R Barnes 60. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 3)
8 of 13
Wanganui 1600m (Bm65) ($40K - $600) Good4 S J O'Malley (2) 59.5 Btg: $ ,$8.20 - 1 Khafre Tayla Mitchell 58; 2 Titled L J Allpress 60; 3 Testwin J K Riddell 58.5. (Settle 9 ; 400m 9) Slowly away..
7 of 14
Trentham 1600m (Bm65) ($65K - $975) Good3 K R Hercock (6) 60 Btg: $ ,$8.50 - 1 Loch In Ora O P Bosson 57; 2 Infer R T Elliot 59; 3 Lhasa V A Colgan 59.5. (Settle 3 ; 400m 3)
3 of 11
Trentham 1600m (Bm65) ($40K - $3600) Soft6 K R Hercock (7) 60 Btg: $ ,$5.50 - 1 Whangaehu L J Allpress 60; 2 Belladonna Lily C R Barnes 56.5; 4 Take On L Sutherland 55. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 8) Slowly away. Laid in concluding stages..
2 of 14
Wanganui 1600m (Bm65) ($40K - $7400) Good4 K R Hercock (12) 60 Btg: $ ,$8.20 - 1 Final Return C Dell 58.5; 3 Complicate C H Butler 54; 4 Drop Of Something J Kamaruddin 59.5. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 9) Taken back from wide barrier..
2 of 11
Trentham 1400m (Bm65) ($40K - $7400) Soft5 K R Hercock (7) 59.5 Btg: $ ,$15.50 - 1 Perfectsister L J Allpress 57; 3 Eparaima K Asano 56.5; 4 Mr Bully Tee Joe Doyle 59. (Settle 7 ; 400m 7)
--- 118 days ---
10. Benefactor (NZ) (10)
5m Contributer x Miss Bondi (O'reilly)
T: Lisa Latta
J: Rihaan Goyaram (a4) 55
Career: 21: 3-3-1 $89,055
Winning Distances: 1600(3)
NZB Karaka Book 2 $24,000
Track: 3: 1-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 3: 0-0-0
Soft: 11: 2-1-1
Heavy: 7: 1-2-0
1st-up: 3: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 3: 1-0-0
3rd-up: 3: 0-1-0
Sire Wet: 13.1% (1050)
Sire Dry: 11.8% (1015)
Tnr 1 Yr: 9.5% (674)
Joc 1 Yr: 9% (100)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
8 of 11
Otaki 2100m (Bm75) ($35K - $525) Soft6 C Dell (2) 55.5 Btg: $ ,$10.40 - 1 Solidify J K Riddell 59; 2 Phats K R Hercock 54.5; 3 Princess Elly L Sutherland 53.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1)
6 of 8
Trentham 1600m (Bm75) ($35K - $525) Heavy10 K R Hercock (4) 59 Btg: $ ,$6.30 - 1 The Ugly Sister L J Allpress 57; 2 Jestin Case C Dell 57; 3 Princess Elly L Sutherland 56.5. (Settle 4 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 6)
4 of 8
Trentham 1400m (Bm75) ($35K - $1750) Soft7 K R Hercock (7) 56 Btg: $ ,$9.30 - 1 Belle's Echo A Lawson-Carroll 54.5; 2 Opawa Jack C Dell 56.5; 3 Carpe Diem K L Chung 51.5. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 7) Eased near 200m..
10 of 12
Woodville 1400m (Bm75) ($25K - $375) Soft6 A Lawson-Carroll (14) 54.5 Btg: $ ,$28.50 - 1 Meglio Di Falcrest K A Myers 57; 2 Belladonna Lily C R Barnes 54; 3 Duneagle C Dell 58.5. (Settle 11 ; 800m 11 ; 400m 11)
--- 84 days ---
8 of 11
Wanganui 1600m (Bm75) ($40K - $600) Good4 L T Hemi (8) 57 Btg: $ ,$16.60 - 1 Frank The Tank C J Grylls 56; 2 Orlov Joe Doyle 58.5; 3 Loch In Ora K Asano 55. (Settle 11 ; 400m 9) Slowly away..
12 of 14
Trentham 2100m Remutaka Classi ($350K - $7000) Soft5 K R Hercock (5) 57.5 Btg: $ ,$15.80 - 1 The Odyssey C R Barnes 59.5; 2 Nereus J K Riddell 59.5; 3 Final Return C Dell 58. (Settle 6 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 11)
1 of 9
Hastings 1600m (Bm75) ($40K - $23000) Heavy8 K R Hercock (2) 55 Btg: $ ,$6.90 - 2 Rockburn W B Kennedy 56.5; 3 Wolfgang S C Spratt 57; 4 Hammer Time L Sutherland 55.5. (Settle 5 ; 800m 5 ; 400m 5)
2 of 11
Trentham 1600m (Bm75) ($45K - $8325) Soft6 K R Hercock (1) 55.5 Btg: $ ,$8.50 - 1 Nom De Plume C H Butler 54.5; 3 Za'Faran L Douglas 55.5; 4 Final Return C Dell 57. (Settle 7 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 4)
1 of 11
Wanganui 1600m (Bm75) ($45K - $25875) Soft6 K R Hercock (4) 54 Btg: $ ,$12.50 - 2 Apache Anne L T Hemi 55.5; 3 Thomas Aquinas S J O'Malley 55; 4 Royal Flower Toni Davies 57. (Settle 8 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 6)
5 of 13
Trentham 1400m (Bm65) ($40K - $1000) Heavy10 T L Newman (8) 57 Btg: $ ,$15.70 - 1 Donnybrook K L Chung 55.5; 2 Times Up C H Butler 56; 3 Peppery M K Hudson 56.5. (Settle 7 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 10)
--- 105 days ---
11. Chantilly Lace (NZ) (5)
4m U S Navy Flag x On The Move (More Than Ready)
T: Chrissy A Bambry
J: Chris Dell 55
Career: 25: 3-3-4 $181,975
Winning Distances: 1200(3)
Track: 4: 3-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 4: 0-0-1
Soft: 13: 2-1-2
Heavy: 8: 1-2-1
1st-up: 2: 1-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-1-0
3rd-up: 2: 0-0-1
Sire Wet: 11.9% (243)
Sire Dry: 8.4% (332)
Tnr 1 Yr: 9.2% (131)
Joc 1 Yr: 11.5% (356)
Horse/Jockey: 1: 0-0-0
12 of 16
Hastings 1200m (Bm75) ($65K - $0) Good4 W B Kennedy (2) 55.5 Btg: $ ,$22.80 - 1 Navigator R T Elliot 58.5; 2 Acquarello V A Colgan 54.5; 3 Merchant Queen C J Grylls 56. (Settle 14 ; 800m 14 ; 400m 14)
--- 46 days ---
9 of 11
Hawera 1400m Opunake Cup LR ($100K - $1500) Heavy10 L Sutherland (9) 53 Btg: $ ,$27.60 - 1 Belardo Boy Joe Doyle 59; 2 Spencer L J Allpress 53; 3 Gospodin K R Hercock 56. (Settle 9 ; 800m 9 ; 400m 10)
--- 31 days ---
4 of 14
Tauranga 1400m Tauranga Classic LR ($80K - $4000) Heavy8 L Sutherland (2) 55.5 Btg: $ ,$29.90 - 1 Casino Princess J J Fawcett 57; 2 Malt Time A Lawson-Carroll 57; 3 Wessex K Asano 57. (Settle 11 ; 800m 11 ; 400m 14) Held up in straight..
4 of 11
Wanganui 1600m Agc Training LR ($80K - $4000) Heavy10 L Sutherland (6) 55.5 Btg: $ ,$19.40 - 1 Belardo Boy Joe Doyle 59; 2 Bradman W B Kennedy 59; 3 Justaskme J K Riddell 59. (Settle 6 ; 800m 6 ; 400m 5) Crowded near 300m.. Struck interference near 150m..
--- 56 days ---
11 of 12
Trentham 2100m Manawatu Classic G3 ($120K - $0) Soft5 S C Spratt (9) 55 Btg: $ ,$23.80 - 1 Outovstock M J McNab 57; 2 Investigate S R Weatherley 57; 3 Just As Sharp R T Elliot 57. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 10)
10 of 16
Trentham 2400m New Zealand Oaks G1 ($500K - $7500) Soft7 C Dell (1) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$28.40 - 1 Pulchritudinous W B Kennedy 56.5; 2 Positivity M Hashizume 56.5; 3 Qali Al Farrasha O P Bosson 56.5. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 7)
7 of 11
Taupo 2000m Lowland Stakes G2 ($150K - $2250) Soft5 C J Grylls (2) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$13 - 1 Pulchritudinous Joe Doyle 56.5; 2 Race Ace S R Weatherley 56.5; 2 Sign Of Peace M J Mc Nab 56.5. (Settle 8 ; 800m 8 ; 400m 8) Eased near 400m..
--- 34 days ---
2 of 13
New Plymouth Raceway 1800m Oaks Prelude LR ($80K - $14800) Heavy8 S C Spratt (18) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$6.10 - 1 Khanshe M Cameron 56.5; 3 Moonlight Magic O P Bosson 56.5; 4 It's Doris C R Barnes 56.5. Raced three wide..
6 of 14
Trentham 1600m Desert Gold G3 ($120K - $1800) Soft6 L Sutherland (6) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$18.40 - 1 Sudbina K Asano 56.5; 2 Grail Seeker Joe Doyle 56.5; 3 The Entertainer L J Allpress 56.5. (Settle 10 ; 800m 11 ; 400m 11)
12 of 13
Trentham 1600m Levin Classic G1 ($500K - $0) Good3 L Sutherland (7) 55 Btg: $ ,$70.30 - 1 Quintessa O P Bosson 55; 2 Zabmanzor M Hashizume 57; 3 Impendabelle M J Mc Nab 55. (Settle 11 ; 400m 12)
12. Peppery (NZ) (15)
5m Belardo x Divine Miss Em (Traditionally)
T: Ilone Kelly
J: Ayush Mudhoo (a4) 54.5
Career: 23: 3-2-3 $77,750
Winning Distances: 1200(2) 1340(1)
Track: 3: 1-0-0
Dist: 5: 1-1-0
Good: 1: 0-0-0
Soft: 7: 1-0-0
Heavy: 14: 2-2-3
1st-up: 2: 0-0-0
2nd-up: 2: 0-0-1
3rd-up: 2: 1-0-1
Sire Wet: 13.2% (1261)
Sire Dry: 9.9% (1010)
Tnr 1 Yr: 7.3% (179)
Joc 1 Yr: NaN% (0)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
1 of 10
New Plymouth Raceway 1200m (Bm65) ($35K - $20125) Heavy10 Ayush Mudhoo (7) 54 Btg: $ ,$12 - 2 Bella Timing Rihaan Goyaram 53.5; 3 Palace Princess K L Chung 53; 4 Runninwiththedevil J Nishizuka 55. (Settle 6 ; 400m 4) Slowly away.. Rider lost whip..
6 of 9
Otaki 1200m (Bm65) ($35K - $525) Heavy10 K R Hercock (6) 58 Btg: $ ,$7.20 - 1 Farravallo K L Chung 57; 2 Bella Timing Rihaan Goyaram 52.5; 3 Amosia L Sutherland 57. (Settle 7 ; 800m 7 ; 400m 7)
6 of 10
Hawera 1400m (Bm65) ($35K - $525) Heavy10 Ayush Mudhoo (12) 54 Btg: $ ,$11.10 - 1 Just A Tipple Liam Kauri 56; 2 Swingit Our Way L Sutherland 54.5; 3 Who's Complainin K L Chung 54. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 10) Eased near 300m..
1 of 7
Hastings 1200m (Bm65) ($35K - $20125) Heavy8 Ayush Mudhoo (5) 51.5 Btg: $ ,$10.80 - 2 Written Up C M Lindsay 52; 3 Cheap Sav Tayla Mitchell 56; 4 Indian Gold L Sutherland 58. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 4) Slowly away..
3 of 13
Otaki 1200m (Bm65) ($17K - $1530) Heavy10 Ayush Mudhoo (5) 51.5 Btg: $ ,$17.80 - 1 Lazio Rihaan Goyaram 55; 2 Strides Ashvin Mudhoo 58.5; 4 Littleredcorvette L Douglas 55.5. (Settle 7 ; 400m 7)
5 of 13
Otaki 1200m (Bm65) ($35K - $875) Soft6 Ayush Mudhoo (4) 51.5 Btg: $ ,$24 - 1 Sea The Dream L J Allpress 58.5; 2 Susie Jane Ashvin Mudhoo 56.5; 3 Strides J K Riddell 59.5. (Settle 5 ; 400m 3)
--- 184 days ---
4 of 8
New Plymouth Raceway 1400m (Bm60) ($18.5K - $925) Soft6 K R Hercock (6) 58 Btg: $ ,$6.20 - 1 Paddy Gift J Parkes 60; 2 Master Park K L Chung 57; 3 Trustworthy L T Hemi 58. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 3)
14 of 14
Otaki 1300m (Bm65) ($40K - $0) Soft5 M K Hudson (2) 56 Btg: $ ,$25.20 - 1 Pizzazz M Hashizume 56.5; 2 Bold Iris W B Kennedy 57; 3 Colorado Silver M Cameron 56.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 3)
8 of 11
Trentham 1400m (Bm65) ($40K - $600) Soft5 M K Hudson (3) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$13.70 - 1 Perfectsister L J Allpress 57; 2 Yellow Jersey K R Hercock 59.5; 3 Eparaima K Asano 56.5. (Settle 6 ; 400m 9) Hampered concluding stages..
3 of 13
Trentham 1400m (Bm65) ($40K - $3600) Heavy10 M K Hudson (6) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$25.20 - 1 Donnybrook K L Chung 55.5; 2 Times Up C H Butler 56; 4 Sharada J Parkes 56.5. (Settle 10 ; 800m 11 ; 400m 11) Began awkwardly..
--- 35 days ---
13. Sheez Dominant (NZ) (13)
5m Vanbrugh x Crookshanks (Rip Van Winkle)
T: Fraser Auret
J: Wiremu Pinn 54.5
Career: 17: 2-2-2 $79,225
Winning Distances: 1340(1) 1400(1)
Track: 3: 1-1-0
Dist: 2: 1-0-0
Good: 5: 0-0-0
Soft: 8: 1-1-2
Heavy: 4: 1-1-0
1st-up: 4: 1-0-0
2nd-up: 4: 1-0-2
3rd-up: 3: 0-1-0
Sire Wet: 12.2% (246)
Sire Dry: 7.9% (165)
Tnr 1 Yr: 13.9% (151)
Joc 1 Yr: NaN% (0)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
5 of 7
Hawera 1400m (Bm75) ($18.5K - $370) Heavy8 M Hashizume (9) 54.5 Btg: $ ,$4.20 - 1 Badgeringdawitness Elle Sole 51; 2 Lady Moana L T Hemi 54; 3 Half Of Nothing M J Sanson 51.5. (Settle 4 ; 400m 4)
1 of 7
Waverley 1400m (Bm65) ($17K - $9520) Soft7 M Hashizume (3) 57 Btg: $ ,$4.50 - 2 I Don't L Sutherland 55.5; 3 Trainwreck L J Allpress 58.5; 4 Ember Attack C Dell 55. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 3)
5 of 13
Otaki 1200m (Bm65) ($17K - $340) Heavy10 M Singh (13) 57.5 Btg: $ ,$9.30 - 1 Lazio Rihaan Goyaram 55; 2 Strides Ashvin Mudhoo 58.5; 3 Peppery Ayush Mudhoo 51.5. (Settle 6 ; 400m 6)
--- 178 days ---
5 of 9
Tauherenikau 1300m (Bm65) ($18.5K - $370) Good3 M Singh (2) 58 Btg: $ ,$9.50 - 1 Island Hop M K Hudson 58.5; 2 Havarti J K Riddell 59; 3 Delphine Ms K Williams 55. (Settle 5 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 2) Laid in near 200m..
--- 38 days ---
7 of 11
Wanganui 1600m (Bm75) ($45K - $675) Soft6 M Singh (11) 54 Btg: $ ,$8.80 - 1 Benefactor K R Hercock 54; 2 Apache Anne L T Hemi 55.5; 3 Thomas Aquinas S J O'Malley 55. (Settle 2 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 3) Wide early stages..
2 of 13
Wanganui 1600m (Bm65) ($18.5K - $3330) Soft5 M Singh (9) 58.5 Btg: $ ,$9.20 - 1 Bourbon Falls J K Riddell 58; 3 Sparta K R Hercock 57; 4 Never Fear C Dell 55.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 1)
13 of 16
Trentham 1600m (Bm65) ($40K - $0) Soft6 C H Butler (3) 56 Btg: $ ,$7.10 - 1 Frank The Tank N S Parmar 58; 2 Comedy J K Riddell 59; 3 Lady Performer L T Hemi 56.5. (Settle 15 ; 800m 16 ; 400m 16)
9 of 13
Woodville 1600m (Bm65) ($18.5K - $370) Good3 K L Chung (5) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$10.60 - 1 Kattegat M J McNab 57; 2 Ironwood M K Hudson 58; 3 Boston Strong Boy L Douglas 57. (Settle 13 ; 800m 13 ; 400m 13) Slowly away..
--- 187 days ---
13 of 17
Trentham 2400m Nz Oaks G1 ($450K - $0) Soft5 J K Riddell (13) 57 Btg: $ ,$43.40 - 1 Pennyweka R T Elliot 56.5; 2 Mehzebeen J D Laking 56.5; 3 Mischief Managed J J Fawcett 56.5. (Settle 14 ; 800m 16 ; 400m 15)
7 of 11
Awapuni 2100m Lowland Stakes G2 ($120K - $1800) Good4 L J Allpress (7) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$22.20 - 1 Val Di Zoldo M J McNab 56.5; 2 Contagious V A Colgan 56.5; 3 Pennyweka R T Elliot 56.5. (Settle 11 ; 800m 11 ; 400m 11)
14. Miss Emerald (NZ) (3)
5m Iffraaj x Urulu (High Chaparral)
T: John Bary
J: Ciel Butler (a2) 54
Career: 13: 2-0-1 $37,520
Winning Distances: 1400(1) 1600(1)
Track: 1: 0-0-0
Dist: 0: 0-0-0
Good: 3: 1-0-0
Soft: 5: 1-0-1
Heavy: 5: 0-0-0
1st-up: 3: 1-0-1
2nd-up: 3: 0-0-0
3rd-up: 3: 0-0-0
Sire Wet: 10.7% (6585)
Sire Dry: 10.6% (5889)
Tnr 1 Yr: 8.1% (221)
Joc 1 Yr: 11.3% (222)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0
7 of 11
Woodville 1600m (Bm75 ($17K - $340) Heavy9 Joe Doyle (3) 54 Btg: $ ,$5.70 - 1 Battle Secret M Hashizume 56; 2 Sweetjineen K Chowdhoory 55; 3 Sanibel Toni Davies 57. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 6)
4 of 8
Otaki 1400m (Bm75) ($35K - $1750) Heavy10 Ashvin Mudhoo (2) 53 Btg: $ ,$7.60 - 1 Make Time K L Chung 57.5; 2 Wheelitin K R Hercock 55; 3 Queen Of Spades Rihaan Goyaram 56. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 2)
--- 49 days ---
1 of 14
Otaki 1600m (Bm65) ($35K - $20125) Soft6 Ashvin Mudhoo (4) 55.5 Btg: $ ,$8.10 - 2 Tiny Diamond C Dell 59.5; 3 Love Janie K Asano 56; 4 Who Knows L Sutherland 56. (Settle 2 ; 400m 2)
4 of 12
Woodville 1600m (Bm65) ($17K - $850) Soft6 Ashvin Mudhoo (6) 55.5 Btg: $ ,$7.60 - 1 Fay Khan It C H Butler 52; 2 La Bella Grande L J Allpress 55.5; 3 Knickerless C Dell 54.5. (Settle 10 ; 800m 10 ; 400m 10) Slowly away..
--- 31 days ---
4 of 13
Otaki 1400m (Bm65) ($17K - $595) Good4 Joe Doyle (1) 56.5 Btg: $ ,$6.80 - 1 Ivy Dazzler M Singh 57; 2 Freiheiten Pfeil C J Grylls 56.5; 3 Gohugo L Sutherland 59. (Settle 1 ; 400m 1)
1 of 12
Woodville 1400m 3yo+ F&M Mdn ($17K - $9520) Good4 Joe Doyle (10) 57.5 Btg: $ ,$3.20 - 2 Perfect Posy T K Allan 57.5; 3 Head First L J Allpress 57; 4 Keeping Time A Lawson-Carroll 55. (Settle 1 ; 400m 1)
--- 210 days ---
4 of 9
Taupo 1400m 3yo+ F&M Mdn ($18.5K - $925) Good4 J Kamaruddin (5) 57.5 Btg: $ ,$19 - 1 Anela S C Spratt 57.5; 2 Sky Dancer M J McNab 57.5; 3 Grand Cru V A Colgan 57.5. (Settle 2 ; 800m 2 ; 400m 2) Laid out in straight..
5 of 7
Taupo 1400m 3yo+ F&M Mdn ($17K - $340) Soft7 W B Kennedy (1) 57.5 Btg: $ ,$5.20 - 1 Reputation J J Fawcett 57.5; 2 Sky Dancer M J McNab 57.5; 3 Barcelona N S Parmar 55.5. (Settle 3 ; 800m 3 ; 400m 3)
--- 34 days ---
5 of 8
Hastings 1400m 3yo Mdn ($14K - $280) Heavy10 Tayla Mitchell (3) 53.5 Btg: $ ,$3.80 - 1 Whatanight C J Grylls 57.5; 2 Reputation J J Fawcett 55.5; 3 Supercell J K Riddell 57.5. (Settle 4 ; 800m 4 ; 400m 3)
--- 51 days ---
3 of 11
Hastings 1400m 3yo Mdn Plate ($14K - $1260) Soft6 J Kamaruddin (4) 55.5 Btg: $ ,$10.80 - 1 Mr Bully Tee M J McNab 57.5; 2 Supercell J K Riddell 57.5; 4 Whatanight W B Kennedy 57.5. (Settle 1 ; 800m 1 ; 400m 2)
--- 256 days ---
15. Durham Lad (NZ) (1)
8g Falkirk x Durham Belle (Lucky Unicorn)
T: Matthew Eales
J: 61
Track: 4: 1-0-1
Dist: 2: 0-0-2
Good: 2: 0-0-0
Soft: 16: 3-1-3
Heavy: 17: 2-2-3
1st-up: 6: 1-1-1
2nd-up: 6: 2-0-0
3rd-up: 6: 1-0-1
Sire Wet: 11.4% (2240)
Sire Dry: 10.6% (2010)
Tnr 1 Yr: 13% (46)
Joc 1 Yr: NaN% (0)
Horse/Jockey: 0: 0-0-0