Geelong R2 - Rambling (3f Zoustar x Fuddle Dee Duddle); M G and M Price and Kent; Sibling to Brereton; $1,450,000
Newcastle R2 - Offenbach (2c Snitzel x Run To The Beat); Michael Freedman; $650,000
Newcastle R2 - Blitzburg (2c Snitzel x Sierra); G and S Ryan and Alexiou; $500,000
Geelong R4 - Power Of Money (4g Capitalist x Sheila's Star); M G and M Price and Kent; Sibling to North Star Lass; $460,000
Geelong R3 - Mercurial Lady (3f So You Think x Aware); P and K Moody and Coleman; $425,000
Newcastle R8 - Tempestry (3g Savabeel x Scintillula); Chris Waller; Sibling to Waikato Girl; $230,000
Doomben R1 - Mr Democrat (2g Better Than Ready x Our First Lady); Jack Bruce; Sibling to Steady Ready; $120,000 Trial winner
Newcastle R3 - Shropshire Lad (3g Supido x Bella Sorpresa); Rodney Northam; $15,000 Trial winner