Mornington R4 - Nouveau (2f I Am Invincible x Za Zi Ba); A and S Freedman; $500,000
Mornington R4 - Classy Girl (2f Extreme Choice x Cara Blanca); L and L Kennewell and Yeomans; $280,000
Mornington R4 - Shadow Land (2g Zousain x Special Bid); A and S Freedman; $135,000
Mornington R4 - Reluctantlycharmed (2f Invader x Ballychine); Grahame Begg; $130,000
Mornington R4 - Supernima (2c Super Seth x Purnima); P and K Moody and Coleman; Sibling to Tomelilla, Viktor Vegas; $80,000
Muswellbrook R2 - Wicked Testimony (3g Press Statement x Devilish Diva); Cameron Crockett; $15,000 Trial winner