Kembla Grange R5 - Calanche (3f Fastnet Rock x Rezoned); C and D Maher and Eustace; $950,000
Caulfield R1 - Unconquerable (3f I Am Invincible x Champagne Cath); M G and M Price and Kent; $180,000
Kyneton R1 - Skilful Artist (3g Trapeze Artist x Berry Delicious); M and L Kavanagh; $150,000
Kembla Grange R3 - Aranese (3g Nicconi x Tapenade); Amanda Turner; $30,000
Kembla Grange R3 - Sophieinthesky (3f Prized Icon x Cosmic View); Con Karakatsanis; $20,000
Kembla Grange R3 - Lucky Force (4g Rubick x Novaspirit); L and C Curtis; Sibling to Rubiquitous; $16,000