Ridgeport Holdings is extremely excited to announce that ROMMEL (by Commands) has relocated to Ridgeport Farm in Waroona WA to stand the 2023 breeding season.

Rommel is a proven stakes sire.
ROMMEL had a great start to his career standing at Mogumber Park and to date has already sired 65% winners to runners as well as over 8% stakes horsesto runners placing him in the upper echelon of stallions standing at stud in the state.
His best performers are Group III WATC Sires Produce Stakes winner Snowdome and smart stakes-winner Pixie Chix, a winner of over $400,000 in prizmeoney.
The shareholders in Rommel are grateful for all the care and passion Mogumber Park have shown him over the past 6 years at stud, moving forward Ridgeport is thrilled to have the opportunity to stand Rommel as their foundation stallion and the team is thoroughly looking forward to the 2023 breeding season.
Further details along with the 2023 fee for ROMMEL will be announced in the coming weeks.