Racing Queensland has pledged to look at increasing prizemoney after tabling an annual report showing a positive turnaround of almost $20 million in its finances.

In 2015/16 the organisation recorded a loss of $21.8 million however it is has recorded a loss of $2.2 million for the current financial year.
The report will raise industry hopes of a desperately needed prizemoney boost, something which RQ chief executive Dr Eliot Forbes said the organisation was working towards.
With premier racetrack Eagle Farm out of action until at least April, participants are holding onto hope of at least getting a decent prizemoney boost by the end of the year.
"It's our strategic objective to continue to increase participant returns including greater prizemoney," Dr Forbes said.
"One of the key reasons for this turnaround results from the commercial decision by the RQ Board in relation to the Race Information Fees policy which, together with wagering growth of 9.5% for Queensland races, increased net RIF income by 18% to $68.7 million."
RQ has recently released a new infrastructure vision - including having lights for night racing on the Gold Coast - but what trainers say they really need is more prizemoney across the board.
Meanwhile, the Queensland Racing Crime squad will increase its numbers and expand its use of body warn cameras, according to Commissioner Ross Barnett.
The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission has unveiled its annual report and pledged to step up its work in the next year.
"Looking ahead, the Racing Crime Squad is set to expand from four to six members and the Commission will expand the use of body worn cameras to allow officers to make accurate, real-time records of their fieldwork and inspections," Commissioner Barnett said.
QRIC's annual report revealed that while 318 retired greyhounds were re-homed during the period, more than 100 had to be euthanised.
"Unfortunately, 101 greyhounds had to be euthanased during the reporting period and the Commission will continue to work with owners and trainers to reduce this number," Barnett said.