For many years the Moruya Jockey Club has played a significant role at equestrian shows around the South Coast.

Thoroughbred Sport Horse classes are coming to Mirrabooka this weekend with sponsorship from the Moruya Jockey Club.
“We’ve particularly been involved in local Thoroughbred classes,” said club manager, Brian Cowden, “and regularly supported these events at the
Mirrabooka Show, which is being held at the end of this week.
“Racing is taking an active stand to ensure racing Thoroughbreds are looked after throughout their life, and we’re doing our part to assist head office.”
Brian explained that in country towns like his horse communities all help out each other.
“For example, Patrick Jeffery, who runs the show jumping with his wife Allyson, is one of the members of our barrier team on race days.
“Peter Atkinson, our current chairman, was a former equine veterinarian, and his wife Mary, a small animal vet. They both practised in our area for thirty-five years. And some of our past and present jockeys are involved in other horse pursuits like Kayla McEwen, who now just rides trackwork, show jumps an ex-racecourse and does TB rehoming and training.
“Kathy O’Hara, one of the state’s leading female riders, was jumping at a 2019 event in Moruya, and four of our apprentices, all from equestrian backgrounds, were show jumping in Canberra last weekend.
“The equestrian community is really strong. “
Moruya has a long history of racing which can be traced back to 1870 when meetings were held at the ‘old’ track in the centre of the township, now the site of the showgrounds and golf course.
The current racecourse was opened in 1985.
“MJC is the envy of many NSW race clubs,” declared Brian. ‘We attract good crowds, have over 500 members and one hundred horses in work.”
This is the first year the Thoroughbred Sport Horse Association has been involved with the jockey club.
“This is a professional national organisation which can only bring improvements,” he said. “It has the reach, the power and the expertise to negotiate sponsorships while being instrumental in giving gallopers another life. Great to see.”
TSHA hopes to be supporting the south coast for years to come.
Spring Show Jumping Weekend
Mirrabooka Riding Club
23-25 October 2020