Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Friday January 17
Horse (Dam)
4m First Lady (Melania)
10g Perfect Knowledge (Aquabelle)
5m Hard Faith (Absolute Faith)
2c Prague (Purely Spectacular)
5m Salt Bay (Marsh Harbour)
4m Delayed Response (Opening Ceremony)
5g Watto's Revenge (Russian Rouge)
3f Rich Hips (She's Curvaceous)
4m Matas (Rainfalls)
4m Miss Sharp (Southern Bound)
4g Watching (Watchme)
6m Cuban Belle (Cuban Girl)
5m Havelka (Redwood Dancer)
4g Magniforce (Our Oui Paris)
4g Sara Man (Little Slapper)
3g Skyt (Sky Trist)
3g Napster (Pemba Nepali)
6g Buster Block (Glorious Dee)
7g Mighty Kenny (Mysterious Ransom)
5m Lowprofile (Cross Examine)
3g Redjina (Red Typhoon)
5m Necessary (Rite Of Passage)