Daily Summary

The list of results sorted by successful sires. You can sort by the other options below.
Note: (1) denotes First Season Sire, (2) denotes Second Season Sire
Results for Sunday June 16
Horse (Dam)
4g Elite Legacy (Social Register)
3g Howlowcanyougo (Limbo Down)
4m Veganza (Brazeeliana)
3f Woman Of Gold (Courting Destiny)
3g Sanction King (Zillion Roses)
3c Ka Ying Master (Make Me Dream)
3f Mapili (Tzu Hsi)
8g Balrov (Kirov Ballet)
4g Varekai (Miss Behaviour)
5g Kulnura (Fly My Butterfly)
4g Confluence (Rambling River)
5g He Ekscels (Serendipity)
4m Excaro (Carolina Pines)
4g Good Beauty (Lush Liaison)
3g Young Harry Cool (Young Doctor)
7g Great Treasure (Russian Belle)
4g Star Boy (Cubana Moss)
4g Modernistic (Illusional)
2g Star Surprise (Ferocious Katy)
4g Not Usual Talent (Compact Pussycat)